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Coworker Makes Insensitive Remarks About Woman Whose Son Has Just Died, Gets Fired

Losing a loved one is the most crucial time of one’s life and no one should tell you to get over it.

The worst thing one can tell you is to get over the loss of your loved ones. It sounds like they are nullifying your experience. You never know what one is going through until you lose a loved one. If you can’t feel their pain, please stop making it more difficult for them. A Reddit user posted to subreddit r/AmITheAsshole and shared how a coworker (Liz) lost her dog and invited all the coworker at the funeral but no one attended it. After some months, another coworker lost her young son and OP arranged a memorial and all the coworkers attended it and offered their support to that coworker. After two weeks, coworker joined again but she was a little fragile. Liz started making comparison of the loss of her dog with the loss of the other coworker’s son and kept making remarks that she should get over it now and that she is being overdramatic. OP even told her to stop but she did not. Scroll down to read what Liz did next.

1. OP’s coworker asked for a bereavement leave because they had to put her dog down. The company gave her a paid leave. She then wanted a week-off to recover from this loss but the company gave her three days off.


Via Annie Spratt

2.Another coworker, Cass, lost her young son. OP arranged his memorial and many of the coworkers went and offered support to Cass.


Via u/am_i_a_grinch

3. Cass came back to work after two weeks but she was a little fragile. Liz started making remarks about Cass that she is being overly dramatic and should get over it.


Via u/am_i_a_grinch

She even complained that she was not treated fairly when her doggo died.

4. OP talked to Liz and told her to give Cass space but then she made an inappropriate remark and OP went straight to her boss.


Via u/am_i_a_grinch

5. OP has been getting calls and messages from Liz and her family.


Via u/am_i_a_grinch

One can be upset and depressed after losing a dog but that does not compare to losing a human child. Even if the grief is the same, no one has the right to make such insensitive remarks about someone who is already depressed about the loss. Liz got what she deserved.

6. OP did not get her fired. She got herself fired.


Via u/am_i_a_grinch

7. Losing a pet can never be equal to losing a child.

Via u/am_i_a_grinch

8. It was wrong to harass a grieving coworker and boss took the right step to prevent bullying at workplace.


Via u/am_i_a_grinch

9. People do not get fired after one incident, seems like Liz has been reported before.

Via u/am_i_a_grinch

10. Liz is a harasser and even passed OP’s number so her family can harass her as well.


Via u/am_i_a_grinch

11. Stop shaming people for how they cope with their loss but there is no comparison between losing a dog and losing a child.

Via u/am_i_a_grinch

Has someone ever made a sexual remark about you or has someone ever tried harassing you at workplace? If yes, let us know in the comment section how did you deal with it?


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