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A Letter From Your Cat To You

Cats know that humans don’t know the “meow” language. So naturally, one cat specifically had to learn English in order to have a serious conversation with her human. This letter has been specially written in a very explanatory way, to tell humans about all the demands of the cat that are not being fulfilled.

Now that the human and cat has spent a lot of time together, it’s time to break some boundaries and increase the comfort level. This letter must be read by all the cat owners if they want to understand why after 2 years of togetherness their cat has started behaving differently. There is a list of demand in this letter that the cat has put forward, and cat is not ready to make compromises on these demands!

Do you want to know what those demands are? Then scroll down below to read the letter! It is really hilarious and I am sure you’re going to love it!

Source: (h/t: cheezburger)



1. Litter Box




I want no litter box. From now onwards, I will poop anywhere I want. Also you need to carpet the whole house so it’s easier for me to poop anywhere and everywhere!

2. Wet Food


Human, I have been following you and I have noticed you mix canned food with dry food. Which is UNACCEPTABLE!

I only want canned food from now onward….

3. The Dog


Time to kick out the dog hooman.


I am the real boss of this house!

4. The Fish

I will eat you all, one day!

5. Kneading Times


Allow me to knead your face for a minimum of 5 minutes, no complains!

6. The Counter


The counter is my space, I will walk on it whenever I want. Specially when you preparing meals.

7. My Presents


You just can’t throw out the presents that I give you. Start respecting them!

8. Catnip


No more excuses. Get more of this.

9. Petting


Here are some guidelines for petting, you, in no circumstances, can breach these guidelines.

10. Plants


You can’t bring indoor plants, because they invade my space.

11. Human Food


Sometimes I would want to eat human food as well. Your job is to bring me my favorite human food! Or anything I want.

12. Exercise


No interference from your side during my exercise time be accepted!

13. Bed


Your house is mine, your things are mine, and even YOU are mine. No compromises on that.


In the end all I want to say is…


This is one funny letter! But all these demands by your cat should be taken really seriously and you have to fulfill them in order to have a happy and healthy relationship with your cat! Don’t you think this is a tad bit over the top? Let us know in the comments section below!


What do you think?