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19 Math Wizards That Crunched Numbers To Whole Another Level

Mathematics was probably every kid’s worst nightmare in school. Everyone was jealous of those two or three kids that were naturals at math and knew exactly what they were doing. Fast forward a few years, some of those people are now crunching numbers left, right, and center whether it’s required or not. It definitely provides some fascinating insight though and sheds some light on information that we didn’t really know we needed. Things get really weird, strange, and truly mind-boggling where math in involved and the internet is intrigued by it for sure.

Remember in school when your teacher couldn’t come up with any real applications for math? Well we have quite a few here. It’s fun to see how math actually applies in the real world and is used by people for the strangest things. It’s exciting to see how applying Math to real world problems twists and turns them in an unimaginable way. If you like where this is going, check out how this Tumblr user crunched a few numbers to calculate the date of Ice Cube’s, “Good Day.” Now that we have your interest, let’s start scrolling, and see what all the fuss and excitement is actually about!

1. Spongebob started driving early

via u/dottie-swaan

2. Is Finland real?

via u/Vqhr

3. How to never stop at a red light

via u/FreezeSpell_

4. Budweiser is no NGO

via u/blutoboy

5. Calculating units of film

via u/kokopelliman

6. Did someone order 200 chicken wings?

via u/LivingRaccoon

7. Maths & Wings don’t go together

via  u/LivingRaccoon


via u/LivingRaccoon

9. How to place your next order of 25 wings

via  u/LivingRaccoon

10. Cheapest wings to date

via  u/LivingRaccoon

Haven’t gotten enough of random internet users showcasing their number-crunching skills? We’ve got loads more, from fun statistics for adults to astronomical odds that you would’ve never thought of. Who said Math wasn’t fun? I know if our Math teacher taught us how to calculate like these geniuses on the internet, I would’ve enjoyed the lessons much more, especially since these can actually be applied to real life. Keep scrolling for more mind-bending number-crunching mania and we promise you wouldn’t be disappointed.

11. How to buy wings to brag

via  u/LivingRaccoon

12. Michael Phelps WHO?

via u/shortdwarf

13. Breaking the pattern

via u/Galeaf_13

14. Pigeon craps are not to be taken lightly

via u/Vinccool96

15. Minimum wage sucks

via u/arrybfg

16. Capitalism 101

via u/DreamTimeDeathCat

17. Stickers are for losers

via u/chuckgnomington

18. Butthurt gone wrong?

via u/chuckgnomington

19. $57k worth…

via u/chuckgnomington

We hope you enjoyed the treat that we call number crunching on problems you never thought were worth calculating in the first place. It gives us great joy to have shared these once in a lifetime calculations where a lot of blood, sweat, and brain went in. If only our teachers could’ve given us examples like this, Math would’ve been a lot more fun. If we could calculate ways to order cheaper chicken wings, I’m sure I’d be paying a lot more attention in my Mathematics class! Let us know in the comments below which one was the craziest and most mind bending of all these math calculations!


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