
Mother Wanting To Hire A Babysitter For $3 An Hour, Shocks Everyone

Looking after kids is a hassle.

But it’s a hassle you signed up for. Though parents do their very best, sometimes it’s not enough and that’s okay. Some things are just not in your control. Like, when you’re working two jobs, doing overtime, or have to go somewhere in an emergency. In these situations, you can’t take your child with you so you opt for the alternative—getting a babysitter.


This is a very common thing. Maybe almost every parent in the world has had a babysitter at least once. Though it might not necessarily be someone you have to pay to. It could be a friend or a even relative. Anyway, the point is, we have all asked someone else to look after our child at least once.

But here’s the question, would you everunder any circumstances—leave your child with someone you don’t trust? No, right? Then how can you ever let a complete stranger take care of your child? That too, almost for free. It doesn’t add up. Shockingly, however, this is what the woman in the following post almost did.


She needed a babysitter so she posted this ad on marketplace:

Hold up, let’s read the ad again:

“Hi neighbors. I’m planning on going back to work hopefully by April 6th if I can secure a trustworthy babysitter. I have 3 kids. I month old girl, 1 year old boy and 3 year old girl. And I would be paying weekly. To start off with pay would be $160 a week for all children then I could up the price. I’d prefer my children be cared for at the babysitters home. I will need them to be picked up and dropped off. before and after work. I’m looking for 8 to 5 Monday through Friday so babysitting hours range from 7am to 6pm possibly. I would have to talk with you and meet u n person of course before setting up care and would like to have someone that genuinely loves children. If interested message me.”

So, she’s expecting someone to look after 3 kids for $160 a week. Not to mention picking up and dropping them off too.

Here’s how people responded to the ad.


$2.91? What?


Who in their right mind would agree to that?




But if it isn’t cheap it shows that it will also be safe.


Big difference.


Oh God.


Apparently, she deleted the post as soon as she realised her mistake.


What are your thoughts on this whole scenario? Let us know.


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