Petty revenges are the best kind of revenge.
Especially when they are against a terrible neighbor. The thing about neighbors is that you only have two extremes, either you get very good neighbors or you get very bad. There is no in-between and I don’t think one will exist any time soon. It really does confuse and surprise me when neighbors begin to behave in a certain rude way believing they are the superior authority and that they can do anything given said authority. Mostly what happens is they will make a space in your heart by doing some good things at first, like sending over lunch and dessert time to time and when a certain level of trust builds, they suddenly show the true colors and they are not attractive at all.
Today’s story is about such a neighbor who for some dumb reason thought they had ownership over someone else’s parking spot. Reddit user u/topathemornin had to go out and there was a lot of snow on their driveway so they did lots and lots of shoveling to clean the pathway and left. To their surprise, upon returning the spot had been taken by a neighbor and they were not happy about it at all.
Scroll down below to read the story and discover how OP took their petty revenge!
1. Looks like something unfair happened and got fairly dealt with.
2. Snow can cause problems for cars like Prius, there is no doubt about that.
3. It took some proper shoveling to get the small car out but to their surprise, their neighbor had taken the spot when they returned home.
4. To be fair though, they did clean up the whole parking spot for themselves so someone else shouldn’t be using it for their own benefit if the whole “the spot you shovel is yours” is true.
5. Oof, they definitely did not hold back. The neighbor is definitely going to feel that one.
6. I am sure that neighbor will think a hundred times now before taking anyone’s parking spot unfairly.
7. It certainly was very petty revenge if you ask me. Poor guy had to scrab those layers of ice all by himself in the cold weather.
8. Anyone who says this was an act of vandalism has stolen someone else’s parking spot in the past.
9. OP did nothing wrong.
That neighbor totally had it coming his way. I mean, why on Earth would you take someone else’s spot knowing that there is already a mutually accepted rule in the neighbor hood that whoever shovels the spot, keeps the spot. I feel like these people do such dumb and annoying things because they think they can get away with it. But not this time, OP dealt with that neighbor rightfully. They will now think quite a few times before stealing someone else’s spot.
Here’s what the community had to say regarding the matter:
10. No one was happy about what the neighbor did.
Via enigma_goth
11. Straight up terrible behavior.
Via Walshy231231
12. He had it coming.
Via Bullen-Noxen
13. That’s how these people should be dealt with.
Via Hollewijn
14. Sure.
Via RudeEyeReddit
15. Sums it up.
Via ohmygodtiffany
Now it is your turn to share what you guys think about the whole drama. Share your opinions in the comments section down below and please try not to hold back. And we hope you guys enjoyed this post.
Stay tuned for more drama stories!