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Wife Asks AITA For Not Revealing Their Baby’s Gender To Her Husband

not telling my husband the gender of the baby

The excitement of having your first-ever child really is something else. The couple feels on top of the world and 9 long months fly by really quickly in curiosity, joy, and preparation. Yes, it must not go unsaid that the whole pregnancy process is not easy at all and the mother-to-be requires all the support she can possibly get from her husband to get through it safely and without any complications. The husband’s support is the epitome of all this. The wife is carrying the baby and that’s basically 95% of the responsibility. There’s only 5% left to fill in and I think that isn’t much to ask from the father-to-be. But some men don’t even put in that 5%. We like calling those fathers “pure a$$holes”. Yup, there is no better term for them.

In today’s story, we have a husband similar to the one just mentioned above. Reddit user Thrownoreveal1 is a pregnant mother who shared on the subreddit “Am I The A$$hole?” that her husband showed no sense of responsibility when she needed him the most. OP explained how her husband would never attend any of the doctor’s appointments with her. He also missed the gender reveal appointment because his friend called him over to eat fish ‘n’ chips and he actually chose to be part of that arrangement instead of wanting to know if he will have a boy or a girl.

The wife decided to punish her husband by not revealing the baby’s gender to him. She told him he will know after the baby is born. After being called wrong both by her husband and his family, OP decided to leave her fate at the hands of the AITA community members.

Scroll down below to read!

1. Is she right or is she not? Let’s find out.


Via u/Thrownoreveal1

2. OP and her husband are about to have their first baby. Both are excited but her problem is he doesn’t go to any doctor’s appointments with her.


Via u/Thrownoreveal1

3. He didn’t come to the gender reveal appointment either. He preferred fish ‘n’ chips over knowing if he will be a father to a girl or a boy.


Via u/Thrownoreveal1

4. When he tried asking what the gender was, that too via a text message, the wife refused to tell him. She said he won’t get to know it until after the baby is born.


Via u/Thrownoreveal1

5. He called OP all sorts of things but she firmly stood by her decision.


Via u/Thrownoreveal1

6. He even asked his side of the family to pressurize OP into revealing the baby’s gender but they couldn’t move her. Though the pressure did make her wonder if what she is doing is right or wrong.


Via u/Thrownoreveal1

7. Here’s an update OP shared about her husband trying to get the gender details directly from the doctor but it didn’t work.

Via u/Thrownoreveal1

OP you are NTA. I am so infuriated by this husband’s entitled behavior. He thinks it is okay to spend time with his friends while the doctor reveals his baby’s gender to his wife. And then considers it unfair when she refuses to tell him the gender when he is the one who for once didn’t show any responsibility as her husband. He is delusional. OP is doing the right thing.

Good luck with the baby, OP.

Here’s what the AITA community members had to say:

8. I see red flags everywhere.


Via Annii84

9. Get the signals, OP.

Via dirtypig796

10. That would have shut him up for good.


Via ScentofHorizon

11. He really is going to be an a$$hole of a father.

Via AmIDoingThisRight14

12. He is not prioritizing things right.


Via jokenaround

13. It will be so sad if he maintains this terrible behavior after the baby is born.

Via ashleighbuck

14. OP got suggested she break up with her husband as staying with him will not make any difference…she would still be performing her duties as a single mother.


Via likeahike

15. Pathetic and unfair. That’s what I like to call these “colors”.

Via literalmomfriend

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your votes and thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via u/solvingturnip44

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“Newly adopted senior SIC. 12 years old and spent 11 of those in the shelter.”


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