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20 Obvious Things People Should Have Known As Kids, But Somehow They Didn’t

Ever had a moment in your life where you realized that you should’ve known the fact before? If yes, then Welcome Buddy! you are at the right place. We are here with some amazing stories and posts that will make you realize you aren’t alone in this universe. There are many strangers who thought the same. We all are dumb here. Sigh!!


After realizing it, we see our elders. We observe their intelligence and the knowledge they acquire. Like WOAH! How they know everything already. Obviously, elder people tend to have more knowledge than young ones because of the experience they earned in their whole life. To say ” The Older – The Wiser” is true in this scenario. To assess our intelligence we use different IQ tests, but these self-assessments don’t evaluate everything. One way to evaluate our intellect is to observe the common knowledge we have. But, we all are aware of the fact that what our elders say is not always correct. They guide us according to their understandings.

Scroll down to see some funny, hilarious, and ridiculous same time, and quite embarrassing moments people share.

1. Wait, what do you mean the islands don’t float?

Via Diamondogs11

2. Lesson – don’t take everything as words of wisdom

Via BlanketsAndBlankets

3. Classical music in Spotify!

Via BlanketsAndBlankets

4. Perfect example of a silly teenager

Via teerannosaurus

5. An Apple A Day – Makes me allergic. HAHA!

Via teerannosaurus

6. A Goat Cut!

Via aptCapsize

7. How dumb I was.

Via 24KaratMinshew

8. Wait. What? You sure? Jeez!

Via Captain_Hampockets

9. I need to see a Reindeer in real life.

Via  Impossible_Cats

10. Didn’t see that coming.

Via  lightwell

Had a good laugh? Brilliant. That’s what we wished for. The fun doesn’t end here. After reading these stories, we are sure you will definitely laugh your head off. It’s our duty to bring smiles to your face and to brighten up your day. We can understand how exhausting a day can be in an office, or at home with kids, that’s why we are always here for you. Have a break! Enjoy your day. And scroll down to see more hilarious posts from strangers.

11. This is exactly why I hate some of my embarrassing teen-age moments.

Via  poachels

12. That’s called being stupid on a whole new level.

Via therickeffect1

13. Hope no one heard me.

Via CampinHiker

14. Should be glad that you were saved from an embarrassing moment.

Via SonicSingularity

15. Scooby-doo betrayed everyone of us.

Via  R-o-C-k-E-t_69

16. Martin Luther vs Martin Luther King Jr.

Via : el_drosophilosopher

17. So smart…

Via lunchboxdeluxe

18. LOL… the serif font!

Via spacecadetcyan

19. I used to be like you – Heard a pickle saying to cucumber.

Via : haleyguillory

20. Hilarious!

Via Cesh1001

HAHA! How ridiculous these posts are. Thanks to these strangers and their stories for making our day. These posts are the reason for our good laugh, but for these strangers, it’s embarrassing. They wished to escape the universe. Well, let’s not make it more embarrassing for them. These posts are only for bringing joy to our lives. People wished, they should’ve known things before. We are excited to hear more. Let us know your favourite post and why you liked it. Comment down below, we would hear from you.


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