New bosses made a huge error and learned it the hard way.
As an owner of a company, there comes a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. You have to look after the business, the customers, and, very importantly, the employees. You have to move the whole triangle together in order for you to be a successful leader and for the business to progress forward. Employee satisfaction is one of the most significant foundations upon which to build your company on. It is important that you keep them motivated to operate to their full potential and even surpass it. Incentives like vacations paid trips, and monetary rewards really get the best out of employees as it lets them know they are being recognized.
In today’s story, an employee’s story is told by Reddit user u/Rusticwhiskey who shares how a co-worker who had been working for the company for over 40 years got really pissed off when new owners bought the company and started cutting out all the benefits the previous owner had given to employees. And this also included vacations which all employees were advised to use up by the end of the year as they will not be carried forward and there wouldn’t be any option to encash them either. This senior co-worker then maliciously complied with what the company advised and ultimately cost them millions
In order to know how it all went down, scroll down below to enjoy!
1. Ready for some maliciousness?
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
2. Jimmy worked at a company that blessed its employees with a lot of vacations.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
3. Jimmy had been working for the company for 43 years and was one of the two workers who knew how to manufacture a specific part used to make the company’s main product.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
4. The company gets sold to new owners with the hope that there won’t be many changes made to the organizational structure.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
5. But the exact opposite happened. The new company started cutting down on all the amazing benefits the employees were previously given.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
6. They removed a critical rule.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
7. Jimmy was not having of this new system and decided to fiddle with the rules.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
Jimmy, you are a beauty. This is malicious compliance at its best. He used the new rule that did not require the employees to get their vacations approved and decided to use up all of his in one go. That provided him with 10 weeks worth of leaves. With only Jimmy knowing how to make that special part for the company’s product, they better pray he returns after his vacation. But we all know what’s going to happen.
8. Jimmy used up all his leaves at the same time giving him 10 weeks to look for another job and he found one.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
9. Jimmy calls in after 10 weeks and resigns.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
10. Not only did Jimmy resign and made them lose their sh*t, but he also made them lose millions in order to keep the business running.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
11. Malicious compliance at its best. This was beautiful.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
Here’s what the internet had to say about this:
12. Be like Jimmy.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
13. People suggested those 7 figures be distributed among the people who got fired and Jimmy.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
14. You fire an asset, you lose it forever. I don’t think he would’ve agreed to return even if they offered him a big salary.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
15. This is solid advice but unfortunately the new company had no brains to understand that.
Via u/Rusticwhiskey
I hope you guys enjoyed this malicious compliance. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.
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