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50 Parents Who Are Having A Terrible Day Due To Their Kids

It’s all fun and games until you become a parent of one or more kids.

Every parent has been a victim of their kids’ mischiefs. Even the most disciplined kids have played tricks on their parents. Are you even a kid if you have never created drama in your parents’ lives? There are kids who are difficult to parent than others. No matter how much you try, train and teach them things, they would find ways to shock you with their unexpected stunts. Well, you decided to become parents of the adorable little babies and it’s fine if they are giving you a hard time.

We appreciate all these parents who are handling their kids perfectly and even if they get out of your control and you cannot figure things out. It is fine not to be a perfect parent all the time and the same is the case with children. They would choose to play around, not listen to you, misbehave with you and do what they want to. If your boss is mad at you, have forgotten the car keys or a bird has pooped on your new dress and you think it’s a terrible day. We would like to tell you “No”. You are not having a bad day, there are people having a worst day than you and these people are called “parents”. We have created a list of parents who are having a terrible day due to their kids’ mischiefs and we are certain it will make you laugh.

1. It’s okay to be sad sometimes.



Source: elspells13

2. Tip: Never go into bathroom with your kids.



Source: virgoosunmami

3. Kids are innocent.


Source: littlebluekid

4. Giver her baby goat back.


Source: lucyleid

5. I guess, she was trying to babysit her in your absence.


Source: OmoKiikan

6. Kids did this to our doggo and it looks amazing.


Source: heisenburgerballs

7. Should I blow it for Papa?


Source: papaneedscoffee

8. Kid wanted to shop online.


Source: dexter_024

9. Contemplating how did he reach there?

Source: AwaitingCombat

10. Mama thought there was a ghost baby in her baby’s crib, turned out it was the mattress sticker.


Source: Fish_Lung

11. I can’t hear you, dad.

Source: bwecht

12. 10-year old using his superpowers.


Source: harvilla

13. Louder for the people at back.

Source: JustJJ92

14. Poor kiddo.


Source: unknown

15. What they did to themselves last night.

Source: passingglans

16. When you are angry.


Source: PotentialApathy

17. When you spend the whole day creating the walkway but you have a 1 y/o at home.

Source: kansa04

18. She has a new friend.


Source: XplodingUnicorn

19. Oh, so nana lives in the walls.

Source: LauraBaileyVO

20. This kid swallowed a penny while showing his little brother how he swallowed the sim card key.


Source: StumpedatUserName

21.”There was a friggin gecko hiding in my son’s toy spider’s ass!”


22. This is what happens when you have kids at home.


Source: carbornz

23. He wanted a picture of George Washington.

Source: Marabakes

24. Who did this?


Source: mshik3

25. She just wanted to check the “white water”.

Source: AyrtonTV

Kids are curious creatures and they like exploring new things. They love to touch things in order to see what it really is. The same is the case with this little baby girl who thought it was white water and she jumped into the bucket to probably enjoy some swimming. We are sure her parents had a hard time washing off the paint. As far as I can remember my childhood, I have fallen into drainage ditches so many times and now I know why my mother used to get angry at me Lol. Scroll down to see what other parents are going through due to their naughtiest kids.

26. What? A screwdriver?


Source: ladyjriggs

27. Never trust the toddlers.

Source: adamhill1212

28. Can it be any worse?


Source: HelenhCarr

29. He was too excited to see his dad that he ran into the glass panel.

Source: Doocoo26

30. Kids love putting their fingers inside holes.


Source: 1Wineodino

31. Now, mom will tell you how best she is.

Source: unknown

32. The world is fighting over toilet papers and this kid decided to give them a bath.


Source: dmclb

33. “I complimented my wife on the design on the back of her dress not realizing it was our son’s vomit.”

Source: adamdgriffith

34. This kid decided to hang up the wet wipes so they can dry.


Source: thinkingbell955

35. He just followed the instructions.

Source: HenpeckedHal

36. When you love slimes.


Source: the-artful-bodger

37. Who needs a happy meal?

Source: BigPimpin91

38. When you are vacuuming and it suddenly stops working.


Source: MeanMugSJ

39. He thought he had his mask in his pocket but it turned out to be a baby sock.

Source: zoltrules

40. Kid spilled coffee grounds all over.


Source: sheriffduwayne

41. He is just cleaning the mess.

Source: 8slipknot8

42. She squeezed a bottle of powdered creamer on her face.

Source: emileif

43. Paying $39.35 to hold your baby after his birth??

Source: halfthrottle

44. When your 3-year old loves biting the walls.

Source: kittiekat1018

45. “Son decided to swallow a nickel and turn $.05 into $4400.00”

Source: Kingsdontbeg

46. When you feel sick and your daughter decides to make a potion for you.

Source: pewnanner

47. She cuts holes in her socks just in case her feet got hot. What an idea!

Source: GypsyCub

48. Perfect canvas for drawing.

Source: UserNameIsBack

49. She went to the playground to play and found out the whole playground has been removed.

Source: maaalicelaaamb

50. Daughter decided to blend the smoothies with a spoon while the blender was on.

Source: DrByNight

From spilling food all around the house to playing with electronics, kids are agile and dexterous. They like trying out new things and end up crying or making their parents cry. Childhood is full of drama, entertainment and fails that you can never forget whether you are the kid or the parents. These hilarious and wholesome pictures of kids giving their parents a miserable day is a trip down memory lane. I can recall how my siblings once painted my hair with black paint, how I cut my hair once and how me and my cousins once ruined a neighbor’s wall with our pathetic drawings and got scolded for it. Did these photos make you recall any such incident about your childhood? Id yes, do share it with us in the comments below. We would love to read how naughty were you in your childhood.


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