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18 People Failed So Bad That They Belong In The Hall Of Fame Of Fails

Life is full of surprises.

You really have no idea what is going to happen the next day. Heck, a day is too much, we don’t know what is going to happen the next second. That’s how uncertain life is. How many times have you seen one of those compilations where someone is peacefully parked on the side of the road and a dumb driver comes crazily from behind and bangs right into their bumper? Surely, that driver peacefully chilling in their car munching on some candy did not expect that.

Another thing about this uncertainty about life is that life is never all joyous and happiness, you are bound to face some failures on the road. The path to success is not a smooth, straight road. What would be the fun in that? In order to be successful, you have to take the bumpy, inclined route with lots of turns and cuts. On this path, one will always meet failure. And at times these failures can be irritating enough to make the situation hilarious as a whole. That’s because you, in your head, feel fully confident that the picture in your brain will be perfectly painted on the canvas. For some, that’s not the case.

Today we are going to enjoy some people failing terribly at the task at hand. These fails are so bad, that you might want to hug these people are you are done laughing at their bums.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. Skin diseases tend to be more attractive to red-haired people who love sunbathing. This one attracted cancer.


Via jessesewell

2. Forgot he had the pizza baking in the oven for 5 hours.


Via ISeeDeadPeopleEveryday

3. “Every single thing from the fridge is in this car soup, it’s fine, I’m fine.”


Via Courtney_JLA_

4. “I screwed up! But I’m going to tell everyone it’s creepy for Halloween. That works, right?”


Via denadickinson0071337

5. Look at the size of those wings. This guy paid $19 for 8 of these. That’s 2 a piece. My guy got robbed.


Via sexyc3po

6. Reality is never as exciting as expectations.


Via howierid

7. The barber was most probably bad at symmetries.

Via ronniegonzalez123

8. Oh dear, you need a new hairdresser…but first, you need this to grow back.


Via paigeycakes14

9. The instructions were to cut short the bangs from the eyes. This is the result.

Via fearfactory

How are you guys enjoying it so far? Kindly, enjoy based on your failure capacity because you may end up in a similar post really soon. Don’t worry, I am kidding. We are all here to have some fun and laugh along during these tough times. These failures really are hilarious. I believe they didn’t intend for the outcome to go this bad.

Let’s enjoy some more people failing miserably. Scroll down to continue.

10. His vitamins melted into a bar for someone’s reasons. He eyeballs one day’s worth of dose and bites that much off.


Via colonel_whiskers

11. Kid had a school photo the next day so the dumb child decided he is a professional barber and tried giving himself a haircut. At least now he knows he isn’t a professional barber.

Via catlowman

12. I think his groomer wasn’t being paid on time so this is how they decided to settle the matter.


Via stowaway36

13. A terrible attempt at French Macarons.

Via imgursmimgur

14. Yeah, let me just park here and grab some nice coffee, thought the unlucky person who had also thought this was going to be a beautiful day.


Via Misterr_Carlos

15. Just cut it with a scissor, don’t make it worse.

Via Eclipsegst97

16. On the left is what a delicious, true Khachapuri looks like (Goegrian dish). On the right is this person’s attempt at a Khachapuri. I am sorry but no one is eating that bra.


Via anastazy_kuznetsova

17. My guy trolled a couple by pretending to take their picture but was actually taking a selfie.

Via Tyguy462

18. The box said “heart-shaped rear light”. They lied, sue them.


Via Arthaz

I really hope you guys had a good time enjoying these failures doing what they do best, fail. The idea is always to keep the mood light-hearted and distract you guys from all the troubles of the words. Please do share your thoughts in the comments section down below and we would love to read through some failure experiences if you have been through one.

Stay tuned for more!


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