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22 People Who Said ‘F*ck It’ And Quit Their Miserable Jobs

Once we apply for a job, our utmost priority is to excel and climb the ladder, with promotions rather than having to change jobs often. Therefore the thought of having to call “Quits” can not just be scary but also a difficult decision to make. Moreover, it becomes a horrific thought due to the social stigma attached that “Hard work is the key to success”. The psychological distress caused by dealing with shame, guilt, and a sense of failure after handing in the notice is tough on individuals. On the other hand of the spectrum, employers sometimes fail to recognize the requirements of employees, thus being unable to provide an atmosphere for job satisfaction and increased productivity.


These along with various other factors sometimes put individuals in the spotlight to have to make a decision on whether they are willing to ignore the toxic job environment or finally hand in the notice with their head held high.

Scholar Helana Darwin gave an insight into her deteriorating health, sharing a tweet seeking acceptance for having to come to terms with the decision to call quits from her miserable job. Surprisingly enough, there were many to reply with their experiences allowing the employee community to not feel ashamed and know their worth for when it’s time to end the misery.

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1. Megans’ Mom surely gave a piece of insightful advice.

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2. Along with the power we have, mental well-being is more important than suffering.

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3. It could be time to replace your hair mask with a new hair loss remedy.

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4. As much as the marine life underwater would understand the work stress you went through, lets’ not pollute our waters with phones now.

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5. Hun, that is straight-up Racist.

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6. The upcoming self-made Entrepreneur.

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7. It is never late to move on and seek what you actually want to pursue.

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8. Medical workers should be treated like humans.

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9. Weekends are off-days, period.

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10. When it’s time, it’s time.

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11. Show your boss what you’re worth.

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12. Time flies, things change.

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13. Gaslighting in the corporate sector is like a trend.

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These are some of the points to keep an eye on. Don’t see yourself working in the same field for longer. If you don’t vibe with your boss, quit! Sense the toxic hierarchy? Quit. Didn’t get the promotion that should’ve been yours or you are underpaid? Quit. Under-utilized or overqualified? Or have other personal or medical reasons to attend to, just quit! Never underestimate your self-worth for a job that is putting you at mental or physical risks.

14. Bosses can be so unempathetic, this was hard to read.

Via Twitter

15. No need to show up in person to hand in your notice, just TCS it, stay back home and de-stress.

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16. Long paragraphs are not just for your boyfriends or ex’s. Clap back at what’s wrong.

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17. That is not what job satisfaction means.

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18. Enough is enough.

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19. Print that text, threats are no way out.

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20. Quit those jobs and those medications.

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21. Employees put in so much and are still under-appreciated.

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22. No backup, no problem, when it’s time to quit, just quit.

Via Twitter 

These discussions can be questionable and debatable, but with all the responses, calling quits were beneficial for the individuals. Life is too short to carry on with miserable jobs. The social stigmas are less likely to end but at the end of the day, the question instead should be as to whether society impacts your life or your own rational thoughts? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.


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