Animal photos can make anyone’s day better with their adorability.
Hello to all the animal lovers! We knew you were missing your weekly dose of awdorable animals so we are back with the best animals’ snaps that are going to uplift your mood. We are sure everyone will ask the reason for the wide smile on your face. Well, you can share this post with them to spread pawsitivity. From a therapy dog to an angry cat, all the way from cute martens to lovely snow stoats, we have got everything you need for a good start to the day. So without any further ado, let’s get started. Scroll down and have your weekly dose of lovely animals.
1. “My dentist has a therapy dog that cuddles with you while you’re there. Everyone meet Rocket!”
Via u/Ezraine
2. Meet Betty. Betty hates everyone!
Via u/RPBN
3. When your favorite food is pizza:
Via u/alligator69420
4. She gave birth to six beautiful kittens.
Via u/EddHigham
5. “He’s 60 years old in cat years but clings to me like a new born child.”
Via u/Faris-Hilton
No matter how old do they get, they always act like babies.
6. This is how you get the best sleep:
Via u/vladgrinch
7. Meet Mr. Bond. He looks like a small teddy bear.
Via u/9999monkeys
8. Beautiful kitty, purrfectly centered.
Via u/ovisser1
“Met this gentle tiger this morning, probably the best photo I’ve ever taken.”
9. Little bird flew into the window and dazed himself. I recued him, hope he is fine.
Via u/DigitalCheezer
10. A family photo after the wedding pawty.
Via u/LittleDank
What’s better than having an animal around you? Literally, there is nothing like being an animal owner. You can play with them, cuddle whenever you want and take cute selfies with them that can get you hundreds of likes on social media. Animals are just so effing adorable that you can’t resist saying “aww”. We have more adorable animal photos for your viewing pleasure. Scroll down.
11. Meet Etta, a 10 week old baby.
12. “A stoat in subnivean climate”
Via u/PatatasFrittas
13. “A frosted finnish lapphund”
Via u/oskQu
14. “This is Francine – she lives in our screen door and is currently hibernating <3”
Via u/Rheatheylia
Francine looks so relaxed. Wish we could sleep like Francine.
15. “marten fist bump”
Via u/Platinum_Lel
16. His best friend is this teddy bear. He helps him sleep.
Via u/CYBERSson
17. She thought to keep him warm last night.
Via u/ktnmttns
18. Look at his teef.
19. Meet Gunner, the sweetest boi!
Via u/pupdates
20. That’s me when I am dreaming about my favorite ice cream:
Via u/immybabyyy
We will wrap up this post with this cute photo of a feline smiling while sleeping. We hope you really enjoy it. Comment down to let us know which animal do you own and why exactly do you love them?