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60 Times Dogs Proved That They Are The Real Life Heroes

Sometimes doggos have to take heroism into their paws and that makes them the real life heroes.

When we hear the word “loyalty”, the first thing that comes to our minds is “dogs”. Dogs are the perfect example of loyalty. Once you pet them and give them love, they are all yours. Dogs are one of the most loyal and selfless animals in the world who can go to any extent to protect their owner. No CCTV cameras or security guards are needed if you have a dog in your house. If you are a dog owner, you know how faithful and incredible our dogs are. They are the real superheroes that deserve all the appreciation and recognition.

Dogs or superheroes? Both sound good together and we would like to call our goodest dogs the superhero dogs. Nothing more heroic than a dog coming in the way to take the hit for his/her owner, guiding the way to the blind owners, comforting the sick patients, offering help selflessly. Absolutely incredible. Today we have made a perfect list of doggos who went above and beyond to save people, babies and animals. Scroll down to see what is it that they have done that makes them the real life superheroes.

1. Pit bull, “Creature” found the missing 89-years-old in Piscataway woods.


via: Cara Jones

2. Molly, who is a blind dog saved the lives of 7 people, 2 dogs and 4 cats from fire.


via: smsali005

3. This brave mum saved her puppies from fire and put them on the fire truck.


Via: unknown

4. This dog named Major saved his owner’s life by calling 911 when he saw him collapsing from a seizure.


via: barkpost

5. Sam, the search and rescue dog who has recently retired after 10 years found over 300 children in his service.


via: Gwyddia

6. Bretagne, the last surviving 9/11 search and rescue dog passed away at the age of 16.


via: NYPDSpecialops

7. This brave dog saved the other dog who was buried alive.

via: lifewithdogs

8. Meet this 3-legged dog who is also blind and deaf saved family from fire.


via: kfor

9. Orlando saved his blind owner from falling onto the New York City Subway tracks. Both fell but escaped serious injuries.

via: people

10. This is a service dog who attended every class with his owner. University Of Illinois awarded him with an honorary Master’s degree.


via: razmataz08

11. This doggo saved a newborn baby in Thailand who was dumped in garbage.

Via: unknown

12. Meet Layka, the three-legged Military dog, who despite getting shot four times by an Ak-47 attacked the insurgent who was attacking her handler. She went through a 7-hour surgery and survived. She is recently awarded a medal for her heroism.


via: Martin Schoeller

13. Man took his dog for a walk when they were confronted with 2 cubs and a big black bear. He saved his owner by attacking the bear but both got serious injuries.

via: barkpost

14. Saved a feral kitten, went in to check my pitbull, “Akasha”, who never had puppies and got surprised to see Akasha nursing this kitten.


via: drakeXtheXsnake

15. This hero dog saved eight goats and a baby deer from California wildfires.

via: Roland Tembo Hendel

16. Meet Chako whose owner had an abusive partner who used to threaten her with a knife. He saved his owner’s life by taking 12 stab wounds.


via: Ring Dog Rescue

17. Whizz who saved nine people and a fellow dog from drowning. He was awarded with a Posthumous Award for his remarkable work.

via: Newfound Friends

18. Meet Duke who saved his owner by attacking the man who was trying to break into the car.


via: Tonks3

19. Dog saved the sleeping family from toxic smoke by alerting them to the burning hairbrush.

via: pressofatlanticcity

20. This super genius pupper saved 92-year-old Marie Alexander who fell in her yard.


via: ABC Action News

21. Mercey protected her 30 year-old female owner from 4 male invaders who invaded her apartment. The dog sustained life-threatening injuries with a Machete while saving her owner.

via: ctvnews

Meet our superhero Mercey who sustained life-threatening injuries in the effort of saving her owner and she did her job perfectly. Mercey is owned by a 30-year old female owner who was attacked by four male invaders. This brave doggo took the injuries but didn’t let the four men enter the apartment. This is what faithfulness looks like. Mercey is the real ride or die chick. Adopt a dog, make him your best friend and you will never see yourself alone in the tough times. No better support than a good dog.

How incredibly smart and genius a dog has to be that he dials 911 when he sees his owner collapsing from a seizure. Dogs have been helping people with seizures, have been detecting heart attacks and emergency situations before humans. This is why our hearts go out to these good puppers. No wonder, dogs are the kindest and bravest. We humans can never return the favor but the least we can do is to be as kind as they are with us. And give our superheroes an award to acknowledge their efforts.

22. Sergeant Stubby, the World War I hero dog who saved his regiment from mustard gas attack and once caught a German soldier.


via: wiki

23. A woman saved a pitbull just minutes before he was about to euthanize and after a week, he returned the favor by saving her 4-year-old son.

via: lifewithdogs

24. This heroic dog who once survived the horrific animal cruelty saved the life of a 3 year-old girl.


via: Delta Animal Shelter

25. Meet Maggie who got out of her kennel at night to comfort the crying foster puppies.

via: abc News

26. Max took three bullets for his owner when two armed robbers attacked his owner.


via: Porthus Junior

27. A one-year-Old Search and Rescue dog, receiving fluids intravenously to treat dehydration caused by days of work at Ground Zero after 9/11 attacks.

via: AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett

28. Dog saved the owner from freezing condition by lying on him for 24-hours to keep him warm.


via: independent

29. A military dog!

via: Hero Dog Awards

30. Meet this 12 year-old who has volunteered as a therapy dog, has flown in helicopters and has saved owner from dozens of bears.


via: wolfboss

31. This genius pupper woke his family to save them from dangerous fumes.

via: detroit.cbslocal

32. The young service dog.


via: Hero Dog Awards

33. Angel, the golden retriever saved 11-year old boy from charging cougar.

via: Grace Hutchinson

34. This dog found an abandoned baby girl in a field on a cold night. She rescued her and brought her to the pen where she kept her warm throughout the night.


via: Argentina News Group

35. Scooby, the hero dog saved her owner after she suffered a seizure at night.

via: express

36. Abbie saved Benjamin by informing mom that he was choking in his sleep.


via: dogshaming

37. Pit bull Lefty took a bullet for her owner when they were attacked. He suffered serious injuries and her leg was amputated.

via: Atlantic Animal Hospital

38. Cooper saved owner from drowning and detected heart attack before he even knew.


via: NickelFish

39. Ice, the law enforcement dog.

via: Hero Dog Awards

40. A Labrador Retriever Guide Dog, Roselle who led her blind owner from the 78th floor and did her job perfectly.


via: Hero Dog Awards

41. Faith, a 4-year-old dog called 911 when her owner had a seizure and fell out of her wheelchair. Faith is trained to dial on phone with her nose.

via: Paul T. Erickson

42. Katy Mae protected her owner when two pit bulls attacked the. He got on top of him and shielded him with his body and suffered injuries next to her jugular.

via: Jerry Flanigan

Dogs do not seem to care about their life when it comes to their owners. They will be ready to take injuries or even bullets for their owner and wouldn’t let anything happen to their loving owners. From alarming families about the dangerous situations to going the extra mile to save humans or animals, dogs have proved to be our real-life superheroes. Working as search and rescue dogs, they have saved thousands of lives without ever being selfish. If you are sick, dogs would become your therapy dog and comfort you with their love and warmth. Nothing can beat dogs at being selfless, loyal, faithful and brave. Scroll down to read about more doggos saving lives.

43. A retired US Marine Corp dog, Lucca, was awarded the PDSA Dickin Medal.

via: PDSA

44. Figo, the service dog saw a bus coming towards his blind owner. He got in front of the bus to take the hit for his owner.

via: AP

45. Luca, the search and rescue dog.

via: Hero Dog Awards

46. Lilly, the three-legged pit bull saved her unconscious owner from getting hit by a train and took the hit herself.

via: Lilly the Hero Pit Bull

47. Whenever you get sick, he will comfort you with his love.

Via: unknown

48. While saving two children from a motorcycle crash, Kabang lost half of her face.

via: Bullit Marquez

49. Duke, the rescue dog invaded the couple’s bedroom, started jumping on the bed and began to shake uncontrollably. It made them think about their 9 week old daughter, they decided to check on her and discovered she wasn’t breathing.

via: barkpost

50. Two Coyotes attacked this kitty and they were shaking her by neck and tail. Pit bull Jack showed up and saved her.

via: Sheree Lewis

51. This hero dog saved the girl and grandma from rattle snake and now recovering from rattle snake bites.

via: Aroundall

52. Frida, the good girl who saved 52 people from Mexico’s earthquake.

via: fridafan

53. Storm saved the injured baby deer from drowning.

via: Strong Island Animal Rescue League

54. The family dogs, Callie and Abby, saved the 4-year-old Angelis from a fox who was dragging her.

via: Steve Lanava

55. Peaches was scheduled to be euthanized but was rescued and became not only the therapy dog for people but also American Pit Bull Foundation’s Mascot.

via: stubbydog

56. This pretty lady Abigail chased off a bear for her owner and cat.

via: Margarita_Catherine

57. Meet Buster, who saved his owner by alerting his wife.

via: My Hero Dog Buster

58. Kasper, the K-9 officer was shot while protecting her owner.

via: Denver Police Department

59. This pit bull baby saved the family when the fire broke out in the house by alerting them. He rescued the five family dogs and dragged a scared pooch out of the burning house.

via: KOCO 5 News

60. Meet Aladdin, the therapy dog.

via: Hero Dog Awards

61. Franklin is a good boy, is outgoing, loves people and never barks. He was never trained to be a good boy and he helped my cousin through a difficult time.

via: LeeHarveyTbag22

62. This 8-month-old puppy got run over by a truck while protecting this boy from getting hit by the truck.

via: albanpix

63. This guy barked at the family owner for good 30 minutes and insisted on taking him out. They found out there was a gas leak in the apartment and he just wanted the family to get out.

via: NobelLandMermaid

64. Rex was out on a walk and found a dying hummingbird and took her home. He nursed him back to health.

via: Ed Gernon

Every dog here is an example of bravery and selflessness. These are real-life heroes and every one of them deserves an award for their bravery and unconditional love for their owners. We need to learn from our four-legged superheroes who have so much to inspire us with. Would you like to have a doggo who would be ready to sacrifice his life for you or who would be there to protect you? Comment below!


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