Bosses can often be nightmares.
Working at an office is not an easy job. I mean, the job itself is one thing, but spending your day in such a stressful environment and with people from all sorts of various backgrounds can be a job in itself. We’ve all had this dream to make the world work for you, to make them move at your will. I know, everyone has dreamt of this. But the real social order of the world is, in order to climb the ladder of success, you have to work for others until the point comes when you are experienced enough to create your own empire. Now working under a boss is not bad, because they have worked really hard to reach that position, so clearly, they would know how to motivate those under them. A sweet thought, I’d say, because this is not always true.
Bosses can often be a real pain in the ass at times. They tend to ignore the whole “motivate your employees” factor, and utilize their power to sort of squish them away, asserting and maintaining a level of hold over them. That isn’t a nice move if you ask me, because it can frustrate employees to a point that the firm might lose its golden assets i.e. top employees. But what can we say, bosses will be bosses. That amount of power can tumble anyone over.
Let’s take a look at 17 examples of bosses being anyone but true bosses. Scroll down below to see these imposters being exposed.
1. “My boss decided to up the price of our previously free water.”
Via Reddit
2. “This got posted by my boss right after they mandated mandatory 6 days, 11-hour workdays.”
Some cute analogies but sorry babe, that won’t work.
Via Reddit
3. “Today my boss had me move a bird nest that was in a house under construction, the babies will die.”
My guy now has blood on his hand.
Via Reddit
4. “One of a seemingly endless series of unreasonable notes left by my boss. It’s great here.”
I am interested in how this boss came up with the electricity cost to be charged per phone which they deducted from the employees’ pay. This guy beats Einstein in Math.
Via Reddit
5. “Made my boss a custom water bottle and told him to hand wash it. He put it in the dishwasher.”
Is it really that easy to become a boss?
Via Reddit
6. “Texted my boss, I couldn’t make it in today.”
Very rational.
Via Reddit
7. “So I bring a pecan pie to work. By noon it was missing. Found it a few hours later in my boss’s office.”
Via Reddit
8. “Someone at my job tested positive for COVID, I just contracted a cold. This is how my manager responds to asking for sick time off.”
Can’t be eroding that revenue even if you die.
Via Reddit
9. “This is how my boss decided to organize our color chips.”
Via Reddit
Wow! Honestly, I have a serious question here and it is making me really curious. How many brain cells shall one have to legally be qualified to boss a company or a set of people? My guess is “none” because are you looking at all this evidence? How dumb could these bosses be? I am ashamed the word “leader” is associated with such people.
10. “My boss fired me for taking one of my paid sick days. I worked there for 6 years. The next day she said I could continue working there if I took on more hours and stopped asking for a raise. I didn’t respond. I got this message after I showed up to return my key and get my stuff. My new job pays better.”
Via Reddit
11. “Came to work to find that my boss threw away everyone’s desks and replaced them with dressers, a sheet of glass, and saddle chairs.”
Via Reddit
12. “I work at a small coffee shop. My boss just absent-mindedly poured unroasted beans into a batch of roasted ones. Here’s us separating 10,000 beans…by hand.”
This is absurd, oh my god my blood is boiling at this. The boss is obviously a dumbass. Who put them there?
Via Reddit
13. “Got a significant raise a few days ago. Boss messaged me today.”
Via Reddit
14. Such a great boss…*reads the whole thing*…oh what the actual f***.
Via Reddit
15. “I’m allergic to peanuts, which is well known in my office. EVERY TIME my one boss gets dessert (even for *my* birthday), she gets peanut…”
Via Reddit
16. “My Christmas gift from my boss. Fortune 500 company. No Christmas bonus, post-it notes, 2 pieces of chocolate, pen, jeans one day.”
Via Reddit
17. “My boss gave me a coffee.”
So kind of you boss. Oh and thanks for that…is that a spider?
Via Reddit
Well, well, well! I feel for all these employees. What do you guys think about it? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below. Screw all the bosses of the world who behave like this and exploit their powers.