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Wife Refused To Cook For Husband After He Threw Away All The Food She Cooked For Her Family

Refusing to cook

There is a reason why we are taught history lessons. To know the importance of how tough it was back in the day for our ancestors to survive. One major topic we are all taught is regarding famines. The struggle to get food resulted in so many people dy*ng due to malnutrition. This part of history teaches us the importance of food and how we should cherish it as much as we can because we have so much of it and every soul who gets to have it should be grateful.

Unfortunately, though, this one husband in today’s story decided to disrespect food and met the anger of his wife. Reddit user u/Throwar563577 shared that every time her family would come to visit, she would cook their favorite meals and her husband wouldn’t like that food at all. When, on their most recent visit, the family canceled due to some reason, OP decided to store all the food she had cooked for them and told her husband that she would not be cooking again until they finished all the food she had stored in the fridge. The husband got really angry and decided to throw it all in the trash.

This triggered OP as she went off on her husband and told him she would never cook for him again.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/Throwar563577

1. Threw away? But why? Let’s find out.


2. Whenever OP’s family visits, she cooks their favorite meals but her husband doesn’t like them.


3. He also complains about how OP would store the leftovers and won’t cook a new meal until they finish all the leftover food.


4. On their most recent visit OP cooked all their favorite food again but her family had to cancel due to an emergency.


5. Because she had cooked so much food, OP decided to store it all and told her husband she would not cook more food until they finished all the stored food.


6. Not liking what his wife had decided, the husband decided to grab all the stored food from the fridge and throw it in the trash.

He left one container to make it look subtle.


7. OP decided to confront her husband to which he swiftly said the food smelled funny so he threw it away. Basically, he wanted her to cook new meals so he could eat what he liked.

Surely the husband has both his arms. I mean, he did take out the trash himself so there is some validity in this assumption that I am making. The point is, if he doesn’t like what his wife cooks or if he wants to eat what he likes, surely he can cook it for himself. It is not that hard. Why is it always expected of the wife to cook? I can definitely sense a hint of s*xism here but the main point is the husband shouldn’t throw his wife under the bus like that. And throwing away all that food in the trash was just so terrible.

Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/Throwar563577

8. The husband argued OP should just make her family members eat what they usually eat at the house, she shouldn’t make anything special for them.


9. OP got really angry after what her husband did and said she won’t be cooking again.

10. OP said he shouldn’t have thrown the food away and instead told her so she could send it to her family.


11. The argument ended there as the husband left to meet his friends and the wife stayed at home upset.

Source: u/Throwar563577

No matter how terrible you feel about something cooked at the house or if it is anything associated with you disliking the cooked meal, throwing the food away will never be acceptable.

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

12. Do not fall into his trap. He is applying all sorts of psychological algorithms to make you conform.


Via terrapharma

13.  Reconsider before it is too late.

Via Job_Moist

14.  She did offer to make his favorite meals but he refused. I don’t understand why.


Via genus-corvidae

15. Surely he has hands and a little bit of sense regarding how to use kitchen equipment to cook his own food.

Via missteacher2

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Andy Hal

Cat tax.

“This is the first I have heard of Sir Toby, and already I miss him. Seems like a true legend.”


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