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35 Times Secret Power Moves From People Destroyed Other People Hilariously

We all have that one move that gets us out of the roast session.

We all get roasted or downplayed at one point or another in our lives. It is a very normal thing to happen. The best way to deal with life situations or even mark your presence is to pull a power move. People will remember you. It will put you in the spotlight. Your power moves well and puts you on the map. Your power move is your ultimate weapon that will shut some people up for good.

Not everyone has good humour and the ability to come up with good responses. Some special people know how to play with the minds of others. The only thing we can do is learn from these geniuses. Scroll below for some humour!

1. Now she has to get in the line again!


This is what you get for flipping off a stranger.

2. Woah. Burn!!


Whoever is running the Twitter account for Lees Summit Police knows how to have fun during their serious job!

3. Mood!


To everyone low on cash, this is your one way to do laundry without spending any money.

4. How to get rich when you are talentless?


I cannot believe people buy this crap.

5. Suck it, Tim!


6. Do not mess with the old lady!


Old people have lived a whole life. No one should mess with them. They know what they are doing.

7. No one needs you, Mark.

Damn, and Mark thought he was relevant.

8. This is how Customer service is done


That person knew how to do customer service the right way.

9. Iconic.

Wait till she finds out. This kid is doomed.

10. He knows how to complete a challenge.


He wanted to prove her wrong so badly.

11. Hey, some people like to eat in big portions.

You do what you gotta do to save money.

12. When you are angry but do not want to be rude.


He knows his manners.

13. F the patriarchy!

Wow, I need her confidence!

14. Sorry guys, I have to take this.


I am dying of laughter. This just gave a great idea to evade boring conversations.

15. Things you have to do when you are homeless

That is one smart homeless man!

16. Smartest person in the room


Damn!! I forgot how smart people can be. This is hysterical!

17. Not gonna lie, that looks like a huge orange insect on the map.

Nothing can stop people who are committed to their goals.

18. Wendy’s knows how to answer with wit.


I think Wendy just lost a customer but surely got many new ones because of the witty response.

19. Disappointing indeed

He just had two decimal places to learn. He could not even do that right.

20. I mean, she did answer the question. Technically.


Way to throw it in your mom’s face.

21. Planet fitness doing what they promised us!

22. He surely likes being shirtless.


I am a fan of this guy.

23. And Satan says Hi.

Something for both parties.

24. He is the only one who represented medieval times accurately.


That kid is one of a kind!

25. Hi, I have to uber a ride for a baby bird.

If you are responsible while being drunk, you are an angel. This is the sweetest news I have ever heard.

26. Best Pick up line.


I know what I am saying to my crush the next time I talk to them.

27. How to get back to your landlord?

Landlords can be first-class trashy sometimes. We have to teach them a lesson.

28. He needs to give all of us a masterclass on how to babysit kids.


And this best babysitter award goes to!

29. If he did not get the first position, I am leaving this earth.

The most impressive talent is someone’s humor.

30. It could not get any more perfect than this.


31. Dan knows his priorities!

32. Jeri snapped!


Lisa got exposed!

33. Powerplay of the century, indeed.

He knew how to play the students.

34. Cutest nephew ever!


35. A tradition.

After reading about these incidents, I am questioning my intelligence. How can regular people like me come up with such intelligent remarks and on the other hand, I would become completely blank if I find myself in similar situations? We all need to learn some tricks and I will surely be using some of these in the future.

Have you ever played some power moves? Let us know in the comments.


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