
OP was Not The A$$hole. (9/19)

I just want to put all the consequences aside for a second and give a bring round of applause to the daughter and mother for pulling off an amazing prank on OP. My guy really did sh*t his pants and fully thought he was going to get stabbed in the heart by a doll. Great acting by Suzie. 

Now, coming to what happened. I think had it been any adult in OP’s position, that kind of prank would’ve made them swear. No matter how pious or pure you are, when you see a creepy doll walking toward you with the intent to stab you, you will start cursing. So this was instinctive. The father had no purpose behind this, he never in a million years would’ve thought his daughter would learn those curse words and would start using them in her school. 

I am sure he will teach his daughter this is wrong and she will learn not to swear at anyone. As for the mother, she should’ve been supportive instead of declaring her using the AH. I would say she is the true AH here. 


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