Due to the coronavirus, more than half of the world is in lockdown.
This has caused extreme changes in people’s lifestyles. Everyone, except the essentials, is working from home. There are no more restaurants, so we are all learning how to cook and are eating healthy. Movies? Netflix has your back! Miss your friends? Video call them! All the gyms are closed so the fitness freaks are all working out at home as well.
So, people are realising that a lot of things can be done without going out. This will cause some changes in our lives once we are out of quarantine. People on Reddit discussed what businesses would become less popular once all this is over, and they made some great points. Check out the list below:
1. Zoom.
2. Faith in employers.
3. Belief in government.
4. Going to the office.
5. Treating retail employees badly.
6. No more all-you-can-eat.
7. Cruise ships.
8. Handshakes.
9. Going to work sick.
10. Coughing.
11. No more taking sips.
12. Businesses selling at inflated prices.
13. Air travel.
14. Movie theatres.
15. On a lighter note.
16. Prank channels, please!
17. Employee’s healthcare.
18. Mocking doomsday preppers.
19. Sports commentary.
20. Gyms.
21. Celebrity virtue signalling.
Do you have anything to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below.
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