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Tumblr User Destroys Baby Boomers With Just One Post

It’s funny how after all this time baby boomers are still thick in the head. They still give millennials hate and criticize them for not having jobs, living with their parents and just basically not being financially independent. According to them, millennials are just “spoiled brats” who are always glued to their smartphones and have somehow grown fond of an indolent lifestyle. They believe the reason why most of us struggle to go to college or to buy our own house or even pay rent is because unlike them we don’t put any effort and seek a pleasure-loving life.

But it’s always easy to kick someone when they’re down. The only thing boomers are good at is mocking others because if we ever try to get into the technicalities with them they don’t understand a thing and instead get mad. It’s totally useless to reason with them but we can’t just let them attack us like this when THEY’RE the ones who put us in such a miserable position.

Sadly, all this reasoning and logic is too much for boomers to comprehend and the only way they can feel good about themselves is by taunting us. But we’re humans too and we’ve had enough. How many times did we choose to ignore a boomer blaming us for their mistakes on a random Facebook or Twitter post? Far too many times. But not anymore. And that’s exactly what this one Tumblr user did by deciding it was time to let the world know the other side of the story. Scroll down and see how this one person destroyed every boomer in a single post.

Today, owning a 3-bedroom house is nothing less than a dream.


Via: Imgur

Debt to GDP ratio has gone up by three times.


Via: Imgur

Unlike their generation, our generation never got a chance to flourish because we were busy cleaning the mess THEY created. Remind us again, was it our generation that financed two wars that resulted in debt? Was it our generation that destroyed the manufacturing industry? Was it our generation that ignored climate change? Was it our generation that raised housing market by 7000%? No. It was not our generation that did all this. So, to blame us by calling us slackers is not right. The argument is invalid.

Don’t even get started on college tuition. There’s a very small percentage of people who make it out of college with zero debt.


Via: Imgur

Boomers need to understand that there are repercussions. Sometimes, there’s just no escape.


Via: Imgur

According to Satista, the U.S national debt increased from 3200 (billion) in 1990 to 26900 (billion) in 2020. So, how can boomers expect us to afford college, have better jobs and a better lifestyle if our economy is still trying to compensate for the damage they caused? So, is it fair — in any way —to hold this generation accountable for its current lifestyle?

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