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28 Weirdest Conversations Parents Have Found Themselves Making With Their Kids

Parenting is a whole process.

Every person expects to become a parent one day and it makes us very excited and joyous to think of those happy does and the memories that are yet to be formed. But a kid does not grow up all by itself A lot of upbringing comes into play which in simpler words is called parenting. Grooming a kid is very important. Parents give extreme care to their children to make sure they grow up and become just like their caring parents. You do what you see, right? But all of this is easier said than done. Parenting is not as easy as we all unmarried people think. It’s a very complex and very time taking process that requires a lot of time, and patience. By complex I mean there will be many ups and downs, there will be days when your baby wouldn’t stop crying and there would be days where they’d sit peacefully, chewing on their collars. So yes, rewards and stresses, both go side by side when you’re upbringing a baby.

However, patience does pay off and it happens when the little babies start talking. Everything becomes super fun and easy. One cannot imagine the things they talk about and happy moments just keep on piling up. Trust me, you will never ever forget a conversation you’ve had with a toddler. They are masters of engagement.

There’s a blog called ‘WTF Parenting Quotes’ which was created by this one mother who was amused after a conversation she had with her toddler. She decided to share it with the world through the blog. Here’s how that conversation went:

“One day, while driving, I was tuning in and out of his chatter in the backseat, when I heard, ‘It’s simple, Mama. All you need is a dead body, a pocketknife, and an ostrich.’ It’s the creepiest thing I’ve ever heard,” the young mother wrote. “I eventually found out he was trying to explain how to do a human-ostrich brain transplant, and heard myself explaining why it wouldn’t work. Definitely, the most wtf thing I’ve ever heard myself say.”

The blog gained popularity and since then many parents have followed the trend. Here are some of the craziest and weirdest conversations parents have had to have with their children.

Scroll down below to enjoy.

1. Was the kid wrong? No!



2. But what if Grandpa wants to be a race car?


3. Water just spilled right out of my mouth.


4. Caught blue-tongued.


5. This is not how it was supposed to happen.


6. It is. It must be. I wonder what toothpaste Charlie uses.

7. It’s simple. The kid didn’t want to poop so it tried to make a run for it.


8. I am about 0.01% sure that you WILL get a chainsaw for Christmas. Stay hopeful, child!

9. It wasn’t clean…brb I’m gonna puke…


10. These kids. They have no strings.

11. I have no words…


12. When it’s time to go to bed but you’re on a secret government mission.

13. You can’t make this stuff up. This is too pure.


14. A Harry Potter fan is never wrong, Mam. It’s a pre-defined rule.

A kid is never wrong. They will come up with all the solutions to prove what they did was right. I love kids. They are so cute and innocent. You really have to become a kid in order to talk to a kid and that’s what’s makes these parents sound so weird and cute at the same time.

Scroll down below for some more goodness.

15. Excuses, excuses, excuses…


16. Then why does it lick me?

17. I am very sure.


18. Please don’t do that. I can bet that kid would actually start packing for the journey.

19. A heart was broken that day.


20. Uh ho! Trouble alert.

21. Culprit senses danger.


22. A mid-life crisis. I can’t with these kids. Where do they get all this from?

23. You have to become a kid to talk to a kid.


24. I think it’ll be fine. Kids get away with everything. Right?

25. Looks like we know what profession this kid is going to choose when they grow up.


26. Forced by habits.

27. My best guess is the kid was feeling lonely in the shower.


28. But Mommy, I’m the new skin flavor.

I love kids. All these conversations were so amazing and so fun to read. Life with kids is a unique and interesting experience. Everyone should give it a try when the right time comes.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section down below


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