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50 Wholesome And Adorable Photos Of Rescued Pets To Make Your Day

50 Wholesome And Adorable Photos Of Rescued Pets To Make Your Day

A lot of innocent animals are bearing the hardships of life on the streets.

Every animal deserves the best treatment but fate has other plans for some of them. Some of them are living their lives on the streets. They do not get to eat the best food. They do not get to be groomed. They do not get treats by their owners. They do not get snuggles every day. Some people cannot see these poor guys on the streets. They rescue them and took them to their homes. These rescues are taken to the vet and to the groomers. Several visits to the vet and a visit to the groomer gives them a second chance at life. Today, we have compiled 50 wholesome and adorable photos of rescued pets that will make your day. Scroll down for the rescue stories of these pets.

1. “We adopted Luna last week and she had her first grooming appointment today. I’m not sure we got the same dog back”


Via: Squirrel338

We must appreciate the groomers. They have done a wonderful job.

2. Meet Molli, the 13-year-old gal who has snuggled for the first time after being rescued.


Via: idkmaria

3. “Not only is he illegally small, but this is the first brown cat our rescue has ever pulled out of thousands! How cool is he?”


Via: grayshush

4. “I adopted the shyest cat at the shelter and they said he may never warm up to humans. We are doing good…”


Via: Duck__Holliday

Sounds like someone lied to you and thank you for not listening to them and bringing the cat home.

5. “Couldn’t decide which to adopt, so I kept the family together & adopted all 3”


Via: CatDaddyWhisper

That’s how you make the right decision in life.

6. “Rescued this little guy from the hood of a car a few days ago. Any name suggestions?”


Via: dreamsswt

Aww, what a floofy boi!

7. “My gf recently adopted old man Sampson(18) he’s mostly def and his back legs are getting worse, but he still loves sniffing around and going for walkies”

Via: loneliness_sucks_D

Give this good boi all the love of the world! Senior dogs deserve equal love and attention.

8. “I heard a kitten crying through an open window last night. I think he’s glad to be rescued”


Via: corobe11

He looks a little scared but he will be fine.

9. “I volunteer at a shelter and had managed to refrain from adopting a dog for years, but a month ago this girl instantly obliterated my resolve. Her adoption is finalized tomorrow.”

Via: plentyoflasagna

Just look into those sweet, emotional puppy eyes! What an adorable pup!!

10. “We adopted Flower a few weeks ago after first fostering because we “weren’t ready for another dog”. She very much loves my boyfriend and also sits Like This.”


Via: pastelmonsters

Sorry to tell you but she stole your boyfriend and they look perfect together. You should break up and look for a new boyfriend.

11. When you rescue a smol cat:

Via: mmkmakar

Oh God, she is so cute.

12. “This is Jagger at the Saveafox domestic fox rescue.”


Via: mac_is_crack

Jagger got this pumpkin as a treat.

13. “Adopted a new kitten and my void instantly accepted him!”

Via: jess_611

They look inseparable.

14. “We adopted a very shy kitten last Sunday. This morning he came up to me and sat on my lap all on his own for the first time.”


Via: GrindinMolcajete

Congratulations! You got a lap-sitter.

15. “We just adopted this goofy big boy named Barnacle – 15 weeks old and bigger than our two year old cat!”

Via: DonutPlains

16. When the rescued cat looks exactly like your husband:


Via: hastag_cats

“Jellybean rescued my husband this weekend and now they are inseparable.”

17. “I posted a few days ago about old man Earl at the shelter I volunteer at. Well I adopted him today. He is skeletal and I think he needs a sweater. So far he enjoys squirrel watching on the open window sill”

Via: outlander345

Who agrees that he looks very wise? Let us know in the comment section down below!

18. “Flora was rescued from neglectful owners and due to illness can’t close her mouth fully. Now she has a perma-blep, good thing she doesn’t seem to care”


Via: drekinn_riddari

19. “Recently Rescued this little old lady and from the looks of it she loves car rides”

Via: island_toy

That smile tells us how happy she is.

20. “Rescued this kitten from behind a dumpster, meet mittens!”


Via: H0lsterr

21. “This illegally smol criminal has been living in my back yard. No one wants to adopt her so I guess she is now my illegally smol criminal.”

Via: 6018674512

22. “A pile of rescue voidlings”


Via: Mundane_Ostrich

23. “this little guy just adopted us… walked in to the house right behind me… I gotta go to work tomorrow… Will he be OK alone in the house all day? I don’t have much food but can buy some when I leave work tomorrow.”

Via: MadmanKe_254

24. “Adopted the goodest boy today”


Via: tanner1111

25. “This is my grandderp, Leo. My husband rescued him right after this picture was taken.”

Via: AwkwardAquarian

The little criminal has long and sharp nails. Think before messing with him. Pets are shy and scared at first when they are rescued but once they feel at home, they would start ruling the house. You would be scared to mess with them once they show you their true purrsonalities. Scroll down to have a look at some of the most adorable rescues.

26. “George is the name of the little kitten that my sister adopted. When I enter the room, it waits for me hidden to play with its little claws and teeth. I have a feeling that when it grows up it will be terrible but it doesn’t matter, my heart is yours”


Via: latindollbaby

George is so adorable!

27. “My rescue Overlord Loaf.”

Via: moth-on-ssri

28. “Just a little rescue cat. She is wonderful.”



29. “Passionfruit wants to thank everyone for supporting our rescue”

Via: PupsandKittens1512

30. “Our little rescue. She’s 5 weeks old with development of a 3 week old. She was also the runt of the litter.”


Via: mollysinz

31. “My life has become so much brighter since I adopted Sofi”

Via: FiveOhFive91

32. “I can’t believe you adopted us both! Happiness will rule after the shock wears off.”


Via: Kimmer2022

33. “He was a stray I found outside our house, and I fed him. A little while later, he dozed off on my lap. I decided to adopt this tiny fella. Any name suggestions for this cutie?”

Via: ingarobs

34. Meet the rescues:


Via: FirstAd4471

35. “This is my sweet foster that I ended up adopting. She was found starving with her siblings in a container at a week old. What color and pattern is her coat? She is now 2.5 months old and seems to me like a snowshoe/tabby to me because she has white boots and stripes.”

Via: linichi62

36. “This is Piper. She showed up on my aunt’s property and decided to adopt us. I stopped by to see my aunt and gave this girl some head massage. She passed out like that”


Via: DSEnMe

37. “Just adopted this fluffy old lady with a little white mustache!”

Via: Chandra_Nalaar

38. “Adopted These Two Today”


Via: AHalfEatenBowl

39. “Adoption day for our new SIC!”

Via: sami_claire

40. “can’t tell if I adopted a rabbit or a cat”


Via: Southern_Solution_54

41. “New pup rescued – This is Rori!”

Via: RedxPandaOSU

42. “I finally adopted my first kitten. This is Tofu and I love him so much it hurts.”

Via: Time2kill

43. “Adopted a new baby today, her name is Fran”

Via: tttrashley

44. “Oh gosh I rescued a vampire! What do I do?!”

Via: porklorneo

45. “I adopted a fur-baby 2 weeks ago”

Via: salice93

46. “Today we adopted our second Greyhound, Lily. I think her and Hank will get along just fine.”

Via: Mstngairplane

47. “Officially adopted our new baby & brought him home today!!”

Via: Rainyx420

This boi is so excited to be home.

48. “thought i should share my 4 recently adopted babies”

Via: Bearchiwuawa

49. “Our SIC we rescued a month ago. Named her Maybelline. “Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Maybelline.””

Via: ladyvont321

50. “Detained with the evidence still on his face!”

Via: SAJ88

Have you recently adopted any pet? If yes, share its photos with us in the comment section down below.

Enjoy the wholesome cat tax:

Via: u/HappyMelonGirl

“this is misu, she was a neighborhood stay who ran into our apartment one day like she owned the place, then she did own the place.”


What do you think?