One of the main reasons why we attend weddings is to eat the delicious food that gets served.
But not everyone can say or do this. People with food allergies, especially, can’t really attend any food events where there is food served they are allergic to unless of course there are options that they can work with or they go someplace where they share details about their allergies at the earliest so the hosts can find a solution to satisfy your needs. Even then, at events like a wedding or a party where the chef does cater to your allergies when creating the food, you can never be completely sure about what you are event won’t be triggering a disaster in your body. The thing about food allergies is that you don’t get them just by eating the food, you also get them even if the item you are allergic to is placed near your food and its smell can do enough damage as well.
In order to be very sure that she does not get any food allergies at the event, Reddit user u/landofsunshine1 brought an egg salad to their brother’s vegan wedding. Yes, all the food at the wedding was vegan so she played it safe and just got herself something she would enjoy. But things weren’t as simple as they sound as a proper drama ensued which ended up making the Redditor turn towards the sacred community of AITA to ask if what she did at her brother’s wedding was right or wrong.
Scroll down below to read what happened and let us know what you think about it.
1. Never judge a book by its cover but the title really does sound weird.
2. OP got invited to her brother’s vegan wedding.
3. The vegan couple basically wanted their wedding to be the most economically friendly event and OP didn’t seem to have a problem with that. So where’s the issue?
4. The issue was that OP has a lot of food allergies.
5. The food order was not given to professionals so OP was concerned there might not be anything on the money that she would be 100% sure of eating and not getting any allergies from it.
6. So OP decided to bring their own food to the wedding and her brother agreed.
7. OP brought an egg salad to the wedding and munched on it happily but the bright kept giving her looks of disgust from the main stage. Looks like her vegan soul got terribly triggered.
8. The bride decided to confront OP for eating non-vegan food at a vegan wedding and also called her disrespectful for doing so.
9. OP only brought her own food because the hosts couldn’t give her assurance that their food wouldn’t cause any reactions.
10. OP rested her fate in the hands of the sacred community of AITA.
Now I know there is going to be a divide. Some people are going to call OP NTA while others will declare her TA. And there are solid reasons for that. I would declare OP NTA because given how severe reactions she can have from unsafe food, she just couldn’t take the risk of eating something that would get her hospitalized. That does not mean she disrespects the vegan community, she just didn’t want to have her own day ruined by going out of bounds on her brother’s big day. But at the same time, I would declare her TA because she was a bit inconsiderate if you think about it. An egg is a non-vegan food item. What she could’ve done is brought some home-cooked vegan food to the wedding. That way she wouldn’t have faced any concerns about eating something that would be reactive and she also wouldn’t have disrespected the vegan bride, and whoever she did disrespect at the wedding. After all, you have to respect other people’s dietary culture, and being the odd one out isn’t really welcome.
So yeah, OP did the right thing by bringing her own food but she brought the wrong food.
There were members of the community that voted in favor of OP.
11. She got permission to bring her own food so that does not make her wrong in any way.
12. She should’ve been told pre-hand what sort of meal she should bring from home if they were going to create a scene.
13. This person’s vegan friends don’t create a scene if they see someone eating a non-vegan food item.
But there were also some arguments presented against OP.
14. She could’ve brought something that was vegan and safe.
15. OP could’ve been a little ethical with their food choice.
16. Everyone who voted against OP said she just could’ve made herself something vegan.
What do you guys think? I know the community did provide strong arguments for both sides. I would like to know if you think OP was right or wrong for bringing her own food to the wedding.
I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Stay tuned for more stories!