Being entitled is never a good look for anyone. Even if you believe you are correct, it is always a good idea to seek another opinion because we sometimes have our heads too far up our butts to realise we are incorrect. That’s why the AITA subreddit exists in the first place. People can ask strangers on the Internet questions and get a general consensus on what they should do and whether they are right or wrong.
However, sometimes their behaviour is so entitled that we are taken aback. This is especially true in the case of entitled parents. Just because you have a child does not entitle you to any special treatment. Setting a bunch of rules when your family wants to come over and meet the child is one way to alienate them.
That is exactly what is happening in this case, and you can read the entire story for yourself by scrolling down.
Source: Reddit
#1 The story is much more interesting than the title suggests so get some popcorn.

#2 She stars off with some general information about her new-born.
#3 And how she came up with a bunch of rules for their families to follow.
#4 The rules go from normal to straight-up weird.
#5 But that is not all as she won’t even allow her sister to visit the child.
#6 And all because her sister does not have enough money to bring a gift.
#7 This obviously caused a rift and OP wouldn’t listen to anything.
#8 Even her husband is supporting her and their families are now blocked.
#9 Their families have tried making them understand but it isn’t working.

I understand setting a slew of rules to keep your child safe, but this is overkill. Wanting visitors to be vaccinated is a reasonable request, as is the smoking rule. However, none of the other rules are acceptable to me. It's almost as if she's blackmailing her family with the child. And I'm astounded that she refused to let her sister visit despite the fact that the college student offered to do more chores instead of giving a gift.
And who asks their guests to clean up around the house in exchange for seeing a child? This is all very strange and screams entitlement to me.
#10 As expected, the people on Reddit were just a surprised.
#11 Some of the rules are fair but the other are quite entitled.
#12 Her sister really did try her best to see the kid.
#13 It is clear that they are extorting the family.
#14 I wonder how the kid will feel about this as he grows up.
#15 Is it really okay to use your kid like this?
#16 Who is shameless enough to ask that?
#17 I am surprised that she even need to ask if she was wrong.
#18 Most people have an internal compass that tells them what is wrong or right.
#19 But it seems like her priorities were all wrong right from the start.
#20 The sister sounds like a good person and she did not deserve this sort of treatment.
#21 This comment sums up everything quite perfectly.
#22 I have to agree that they sound heartless.
#23 I can only hope that they learn their way.
#24 But in my experience, entitled people never learn.
#25 It is as if seeing the baby is a privilege for the family.

What are your thoughts on the entire situation? Do you believe she is asking for too much, or is there a cultural barrier for many people? What would you do if a family member asked you this question just so you could see a child? Would you accept it? Let us know in the comments section below, and don't forget to share this story with your other parent friends so they can share their thoughts as well.
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