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Woman Kicks Out Pregnant Sister From Her House Because She Threw Out Her Husky, Family Drama Ensues

People have identified dogs as one of their closest and finest companions throughout history. Dogs, more than other domesticated animals, provide the most diverse set of functions. They are known for being guardians, protectors, lifesavers, and most importantly, companions. There’s no doubt that these canine companions have had a long and strongest bonding with their humans.

We’ve seen many accounts on the internet in which these canine babies are one of the reasons for a disagreement or argument or even a large frightening fight between couples or even siblings. This time, though, you will learn what it would be if you had to pick between your husky and your pregnant sister. This Reddit user, u/throwdog1111, shared her tragic story about how she picked her dog over her sister with no regrets.

Do you know, Husky’s are often referred to as “man’s best friend”?


Dogs are the most faithful creatures that can be found on this planet. Although it is normal for humans to betray their trust, you should not expect the same from your furry friends, especially Huskys. Because of the warmth of affection that they pour on us, huskies deserve all of our attention and respect.

Dan Bates, a licensed professional counselor, and a ‘mental health nerd‘, often talk about family disputes, stress, and other unpleasant emotions.

Dan warns us that the sensation of betrayal brings up strong emotions such as rage or pain, which can take over even the most steadfast of personalities. “That’s a natural response,” Bates reassured that: “It’s appropriate to feel angry in those unfortunate situations. But what’s more important is not giving yourself over to anger and letting it dominate your decision-making.”

Dan is well aware that this is easier said than done, and he accepts that. In order to prevent bad emotions from taking over your life, we’re wondering if there is a rule of thumb to follow. He explained: “The first step is one that doesn’t involve any words or interaction with the person who may have caused it. It’s a rule that virtually everyone forgets, but it’s actually simple self-awareness — understanding how their behavior affected you,”

So, check out this whole AITA post of a girl who had to choose between her Husky and her sister!


Despite their complicated relationship, she chose to take care of her sister.


They had no idea there was a surprise waiting for them!


Her sister had problems with the husky and didn’t want her baby to grow with a wild animal. 


Husky meant the whole world for the OP. 


One day, the girl has to go out of the station. When she came back, she couldn’t find her Husky which resulted in a verbal fight between sisters. 

After investigation, she came to know that her sister took her dog somewhere. 


She tried to trace the location through her Uber application. 

The girl was lucky enough to find her Husky in one of the street restaurants. 


…and took her husky after paying a handsome amount to the owner of the restaurant. 

Later, the girl kicked out her pregnant sister in anger.  


Everyone including her friends and family asked her to value her sister more than a wild animal. 

However, the girl chose her dog over her sister!

Via Tranmautritam (not the actual photo)

Later, she gave some further explanations about the whole story.

Also, she answered some of the questions!


According to the OP, her sister used to complain about everything, and that her sister was not held responsible for anything because she had already made things convenient for both her sister and her dog before leaving. 

She stated how difficult it would have been if she couldn’t find her Husky! Thank heaven, her sister was dumb enough to use her Uber account that made it easy for her to locate her dog.


She now regrets being too loud and furious that made everyone scared and freaked out!


Despite being angry, she helped her pregnant sister financially.

The OP expressed her harsh feelings and point of view!


Her sister ended up with her boyfriend!

Her sister used to work in tourism, but they decided to live together till the pandemic ends.

Via throwdog1111

Dan discussed the importance of the self-control issue in one of the articles titled ‘6 Ways to De-Escalate a Heated Argument,’.

He stated: “It’s never too late to turn a conflict around,”

When Dan was asked about self-control, he responded by drawing our attention to the way we breathe. As most of us would know, it feels like operating a car with the steering wheel suddenly removed.

“‘You’re a mental health professional. You went to school and you’re telling me about breathing? Right?’ But it has more to do with the mind-body connection than you’d think,”. Dan explained. “Attending to your breathing”. According to Dan, it is like the last frontier that saves us from losing our temper. If you lose track of your breathing, it’s likely that something will be said or done that you will later come to regret.

What would you do if, support your own flesh and your own blood attempted to get rid of your dog? Alternatively, you have a BFF who has crashed for a week or two and your patience has finally gone out after all the fruitless demands they have simply ignored? Naturally, you’ll want to tell them what they’re doing wrong. Dan believes that there are two equally valid approaches: one that entails destroying all bridges, and another that requires conserving them.

According to Dan: “If you want to save a relationship with that person — in the way, honor your own self-dignity and self-respect — you ought to focus on the problem and not the person,”

This way will not only emphasize the boundaries you expect to be respected in the relationship, but it will also help you maintain your acceptable assertiveness. Which, according to Dan, is “very important” and “voice feelings and concerns in a respectful way.”

The majority of the strangers supported the OP by their comments on her post:





What are your thoughts on this story? What do you think, what OP did was right or not? Let us know in the comments section below.


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