Every country has its own customs.
What might be okay in one country might be illegal in another. Even different states have different laws from each other so that isn’t anything surprising. You might not know what is socially acceptable in a country you just moved to, but anyone is able to pick up on these things fairly quickly. That is why it is so important to do some research before you move to understand what is and isn’t okay.
However, this particular story is quite controversial when it comes to what is okay and what isn’t. While a lot of people think that sunbathing while topless isn’t something that surprising, others tend to call it inappropriate. Honestly, it just depends on where you are from and what you were taught as a kid. And this particular story isn’t about whether it is okay for a woman to sunbathe without a top on generally, it is all about what she should have done after she realized not everyone is as open about it as her.
You can read the whole story for yourself by scrolling below.
Source: Reddit
She was just at a pool party with her friends and she has already lived in the US for over three years.
What she means to say is that she isn’t from America and she isn’t speaking about indigenous people.
This is when things took a turn as the girlfriends came up to her to force a top on her.
She didn’t like her tone so she decided to stand her ground and simply said no.
All of this caused a huge ruckus and she did end up putting a top on.
This situation is a bit more complex than it seems. While I personally think there is nothing wrong with a woman being topless as long as she is comfortable and isn’t so well-endowed that it becomes a hindrance but everyone has varying opinions on this. However, I also believe that is sometimes needed to adhere to what is socially acceptable in a culture unless you are okay with causing scenes like these ones.
People in the comments had a lot of things to say.
Some people were 100% on her side.
And said how breasts should be looked at like a genital.
While others called her out on it.
The group should have been courteous if they wanted her to put a top on.
It is definitely legal in most states but this is about what is socially acceptable.
I would think the guys were topless.
However, a lot of people wouldn’t call this okay behavior.
Generally, I would say that she isn’t in the wrong at all.
But I don’t live in the U.S so I can’t say for sure.
She should indeed have known but what is so weird about two lumps of fat anyway?
Some people even tried to correct some mistakes she made in the post.
At the end of the day, it depends on where you are.
People generally could not form an opinion as a whole.
What do you think she should have done? Was she in the right and her friends are making a big deal about it? Or should she have adhered to what is commonly acceptable in the U.S? What would you have done in this situation? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this tory with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.