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Woman Takes A Day Off To Look After Her Dog, Coworker Freaks Out

A pet to an owner is their best companion.

Having a pet is like having a baby, you feel the exact same feelings when it comes to happiness, sadness, naughtiness, etc. And of course, there is a major similarity when it comes to the responsibility part, as well. To get the best out of the relationship, you have to develop an inseparable bond with your pet and the formation of that bond depends on undying love, unlimited affection, and utmost care. Once that inseparable bond forms between the owner and their pet, life turns around and starts exhibiting nothing but joy.

There is no requirement to be perfect when it comes to being a pet owner, what matters is that you try your fullest to make sure that the animal is well taken care of, is healthy, and is extremely satisfied and happy to be where it is. And this is because that animal’s whole life revolves around you and no one else. You mean the most to it and you should show that you acknowledge that and the feelings are likewise.

In today’s Reddit story, we see this example of care and love from a dog owner toward their dog. OP’s dog was to be neutered soon and they wanted to make sure they were there when it happened because the whole day the dog needed to be looked after. You see, they are far more sensitive than us when it comes to medical issues so they need close care and a lot of companionship on big days like such.

OP did something really bold to show her care toward her dog. During her job interview, before she even got an official yes from the interviewers, she made a request for a day off for the day her dog was going to get surgery. The leave got accepted and she got the job as well. Unfortunately, one of her coworkers couldn’t really fathom the fact that OP wanted to take a day off to care for her dog.

Scroll down below to read the story!

1. Pretty bold of OP to ask for leave before actually being offered the job. And she got the leave approved. Amazing!


Via u/lilpinkz

2. Uh ho, we have a clash!


Via u/lilpinkz

3. OP explained her reasons why she won’t be available. And the coworker for some reason freaked out that OP was taking leave to take care of her dog.


Via u/lilpinkz

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

4. He could’ve managed the whole thing had he not been lazy.


Via u/Background-Aioli4709

5. The irony!


Via u/DoesntLikeTurtles

How is this even an AITA post? OP requested a leave days ago, she managed her calendar and so could have that coworker. Outrageous how people blame others for their own laziness. I swear a team member on a project once didn’t complete their task and blamed it on us for not sending a reminder. That’s not how things work. OP is not to be blamed for not accepting her coworker’s request because she had somewhere very important to be that day, with a loved one.

6. People need to start saying “no” more often when it needs to be said.


Via u/SnooSprouts6712

7. It’s that employee’s and his organization’s matter, OP is nowhere in the scene.

Via u/imabogboy

8. This is what the ideology of “Oh, we will figure it out when the time comes” does to you, folks!



9. Honestly, it was his lack of planning and he must now deal with the consequences.

Via u/ColdstreamCapple

10. As simple as that.


Via u/rjb4000

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via Ew_david_ew

Cat tax.

“Answered a message on Nextdoor about a cat abandoned in a house alone for a year. Her owner fell and went into care and the house went up for sale. A caretaker left dry food out once in a while. The first pic is from the real estate agent of the house. The second pic is her home with us. She’s about 15.”


What do you think?