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Woman’s Fiancé Takes Her Car Out All Night To Hang With His Friends, She Called The Police

Have you ever been in a relationship where your partner is comfortable using your belongings with or without your permission? What would you do if you said no to your fiancé and he still did the same thing? Or have you ever taken your partner’s car without their permission? You might want to think twice before doing it again because one woman admitted to calling the cops on her husband after he stole her car to celebrate New Year Eve with his friends.

Being in a relationship can be both rewarding and challenging. Healthy relationships are built on a foundation of love, sympathy, understanding, and respect, with trust serving as the benchmark. If you don’t have faith in your partner, you have no chance of a successful and healthy relationship. In a similar vein, we came across a fiancé who betrayed his partner’s faith and caused not only troubles in their relationship but also a rift among his circle of friends.

To find out what happened next, read the whole post by scrolling down!

1. Here’s the AITA post of the woman sharing her story.

Via u/ThrowraCase35456

This lady’s revenge post got viral on social media after she shared her recent incident about how her fiancé despite no permission took her car, and how she was about to miss her work.

The lady discussed how she made changes in her life and why she bought a car for herself.

Via u/ThrowraCase35456

Fiancé’s car was not working and needed a lot of money for repair, but he refused to accept help and support from his partner.

Via u/ThrowraCase35456

He later asked to use her car, and she agreed with a few conditions.

Via u/ThrowraCase35456

When the OP’s Fiancé asked to use her car on New Year’s Eve, she refused because she had a night shift the same day.

Via  u/ThrowraCase35456

When the OP came back from the shower, she couldn’t find her husband or her car keys.

Via u/ThrowraCase35456

Despite the OP’s warnings, her fiancé took her car causing the OP to take drastic measures of her own.

Via u/ThrowraCase35456

Later, her fiancé blew up her phone with calls and messages.

Via  u/ThrowraCase35456

The lady considered this act as a “Theft” and thought her husband “Stole” her car.

Via  u/ThrowraCase35456

The lady gave some further explanations:

Via  u/ThrowraCase35456

You must’ve read many stories where the couple or spouse finds themselves in difficult and tricky situations and they’re unsure of what to do next. Only a small percentage of these people are able to keep their commitments strong to avoid ending up in a divorce or other marital dissolution.

Being married or sharing a home with someone you care about can be a daunting task at times. Despite the fact that you may have to compromise on a number of issues, it is fruitful to close the chapter on a relationship in order to live a harmonious and healthy life.

Many strangers showed their support for the author of the post by leaving supportive comments:

Via u/ThrowraCase35456


Via u/ThrowraCase35456
Via u/ThrowraCase35456

What would you do if you were the OP? Would you call the police just like this lady did? Or forgive your fiancé in order to keep your relationship safe?

Should a couple share their belongings even if they have been told not to? We’d like to hear your views and opinions on this story. Pour in your suggestions in the comment section below.


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