Children can be a handful sometimes. For many, they’re the single most important people in their lives, the culmination of the love between his or her parents. And it doesn’t matter what happens between them, they’ll always be parent and child, and for that reason alone, they’ll always have their hearts. But, having said that, it’s not much of a secret that children have some certain… Oddities.
These kids, for example, decided that they would throw a tantrum for the silliest of reasons. In fact, the reasons are so silly, that you can’t even be mad at them for it.
You can see more at the facebook page, Reasons My Son Cry
#1 Iron Man.
#2 Barrack Obama
#3 Darth Vader
#4 Mum
#5 Bill Murray
#6 Doesn’t want to go
#7 Muffins
#8 Microwaved lunch
#9 Miley Cyrus
#10 Ravioli
#11 Football
As a child, I used to be absolutely terrible about what I ate, and would eat anything I could get my hands on other than actual food. With that said, I don’t know if I would eat a foam football, and then be mad about not being able to consume the rest of it. Child me was on something wack.
#12 Dinner
#13 Marriage
#14 Good morning
#15 Crayons
#16 Cheese stick
#17 Cradling your own wastes.
#18 Dishwasher
#19 Dog in the way
#20 Brother
This poor girl was having the time of her life, enjoying a very healthy brother-less breakfast until he decided to show up. You can tell by the look on his face that he is really confused, kinda hurt, and pleading for an answer. She’s making him feel bad and it is working.
#21 Eating dirt
#22 Butt wipes.
#24 Cold muffins
#25 Rubber ducky
#26 Stuck in toilet
#27 Justin Beiber concert
#28 Pet lobster
#29 He can’t swim
#30 Books and crayons
#31 Cat food
The cat I currently have would be far more upset at the prospect of sharing his food than the child is for not having consumed it all. I don’t understand why he would want to, cat food is not supposed to taste good, not when compared to all the other food choices you have. This is insane!
#32 Boogers.
#33 Golden gate bridge.
#34 Flushing
#35 Cycling backpack.
#36 Killed a bug.
#37 More toes.
#38 Daffodils.
#39 Leg hole
#40 Used nappy
#41 Incredible Hulk.
#42 Fork dropping.
#43 Crackers.
#44 Trick or Treating.
#45 Receipt.
#46 Sponge face.
#47 Electrocution.
#48 Bananas.
#49 Broken cheese.
#50 The bus on the TV.
What about you? Do you have a story similar to this? Maybe as a child yourself or in the presence of children? Tell us about it in the comments down below!