Ask any mother about the most joyous moment of her life and she will respond by saying the day she carried her first-ever baby. Becoming a parent sure does come with its challenges but it is bliss. That little creature becomes your everything and you would anything to protect it, to provide it with the best future, and to make sure it remains the healthiest. Although the feeling of holding that little baby in your arms is unparallel to any other, the process of having that child can be extremely tough. During those 9 months of pregnancy, life turns into a rollercoaster for the woman. It contains everything from thousands of mood swings per day to all kinds of sicknesses, cravings, pains, and the list goes on and on.
The best people around a pregnant woman can do is respect her, give her the space she requires, and tell her things that would help her get through the pregnancy process smoothly. It is highly encouraged to engage her in conversations that would make her pregnancy stressful or cause harm to her. Unfortunately, there are people who do just that. Who say things to pregnant women during their pregnancies that are unnecessary, not helpful, and definitely do not make living life easier.
Today, we will be reading some stories shared by pregnant women from around the world about people making the pregnancy period harder for them.
Scroll down below to read some of the weirdest things you will ever read people say to a pregnant woman.
1. I have never ever seen someone pat another person’s butt and tell them what gender are they carrying.
Via kitdoubleday
2. People love assuming they are masters of pregnancy.
Via Krakatoa
3. Yeah, thanks for that. That certainly increases my excitement as the delivery date approaches.
4. The therapist sounds depressed.
Via bdabella83
5. People literally say anything.
Via cfree418
6. Could’ve been considered a joke had he said it after the delivery. During pregnancy, the mother-to-be may have found it very offensive.
Via t4ec93f6f1
7. The thoughts must have really freaked her out. But if the others didn’t know about that, then you can’t blame them for you calling you slim during your pregnancy.
Via Sondheimgeek
8. Give it a minute, SIL.
Via lucyb4d676cb77
9. Okay, I would like this person to cite the research paper they read this in.
10. Cats don’t care until you feed them.
Via Ponygirl123
11. People love poking their noses into other’s businesses.
Via mcnuggetskitty
When will people learn to mind their business? You know, some people do manage to ignore these kinds of comments but there also exist people who find it hard to forget it. These are the ones who would then struggle with their pregnancies because someone said such a weird thing to them. So, people really should refrain from such comments. Because not only will they hurt the mother-to-be, but the child inside as well.
Let’s read what else people had to say to pregnant women. Scroll down below to continue reading.
12. You’re not always lucky if you are losing weight during pregnancy. This woman had HG.
13. I swear there was no need, sister.
Via lizfoxh
14. I don’t want to laugh at this but I am already laughing so hard, I don’t know why.
Via larifari1
15. Yes, you are a doctor. But no, you have no right to invade my privacy.
Via gracebaker811
16. Yeah sure, the wine won’t do anything to the baby…right?
Via larifari1
17. Even though I have read this with my own eyes, I still do not want to believe the cashier said this.
Via momwithaboysname
18. Thanks for your input but it is not needed.
19. He will come out much happier listening to pop punk, I assure you that sir.
Via kelzbelz313
20. Yeah, mom. Let me just press the pause button for you.
Via battybritt
21. How do people come up with such questions?
22. People literally love making assumptions…They have no clue about the toughness of reality.
Via Ivy42
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Via SgtJim
Cat tax.
“Apparently my rug has eyes.”
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