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24 Real Life Love Stories That Sound Like They Came Out Of A Romance Novel

Romance novels were never unrealistic and we finally have a proof for it.

In time, romance novels have faced quite a lot of criticism for being nothing but a dreamy world. Something that does not exist in reality and is very unrealistic. And to be fair, the way love and romance are expressed in the novel by the respective writers actually feels out of this world. Those stories sound like something that can’t possibly happen, ever. A lot of people have been found saying such romance novels have actually raised the standards so high, that romance in the real world is extremely difficult. You can only make the stars move at her will with a pencil, not with your finger.


I know it is hard to believe in such kind of love but I was converted by this one Twitter thread that I am sure will convert all of you guys as well. A California-based book store called The Ripped Bodice took it to Twitter and asked the community for romance moments that they have had which can be compared to the romance that happens in the novels, and to their and our surprise, there are quite a few stories out there. Their Twitter account was bombarded with responses.

Let’s take a look at some of the best ones. Dim those lights and light up the candles, because things are about to get romantic.

This is how it all started. They demanded and they fully received.


Via The Ripped Bodice

Enjoy these responses and be a part of their story:

1. Such stuff only happens in movies… Well not anymore.


Via Twitter

2. You know they are the one when they fly 3000 miles just cuz you texted them “come over” as a joke.


Via Twitter

3. Oh my god what?! This is magical.

Her Dad must’ve been proud up there, “Nice choice, kid!”


Via Twitter

4. No, this is not a scene from a Disney movie. This is real life.


Via Twitter

5. It is too late now, college boyfriend.

Via Twitter

6. Stick by when they are low to enjoy them when they are at their best.


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7. Ain’t no one can judge compatibility on date one. Give yourself and them a chance.

Via Twitter

8. My tear glands have been signalled to just unleash!


Via Twitter

9. Remember when relationships developed over email? Purity.

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10. Coincidence? I think not.


Via Twitter

11. Happy little accidents, just like Bob Ross used to say and encouraged us to have them.

Via Twitter

12. Straight out of a romance novel.


Via Twitter

To all the love birds of the world, keep that energy level high because we need lots and lots of love to be poured in the cracks to heal this world. Cracks are created by evil. These romance stories are so wholesome and fun to go through. Gives me hope. Everyone wants to have a novelistic moment in their life.

All the historical lovers never died. They just transferred their souls to those who deserve, hence we have these amazing real-life love stories.

13. Men who commit are real men.

Via Twitter

14. Oh my god, they tributed their sword fight on their wedding day, so cute!


Via Twitter

15. Oh my god! Such unexpected reunions do make your heart skip a bit.


Via Twitter

16. It’s like the whole prince charming vibe but in real life.


Via Twitter

17. Oh my god, the struggles people of that time had to go through.

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18. The power of love is so immensely strong it blows my mind.

And yes, I have to do it. How did she meet Oscar in England when it is an award show in the USA? What was Oscar doing in England? Meeting Golden Globes?


Via Twitter

19. When life goes full circle. And no, it cannot go full circle without love, just as this story shows.

Via Twitter

20. Happy dance when they are not there? Bullseye, Maam. You’ve hit the jackpot!


Via Twitter

21. Love doesn’t always have to take years to establish, it can happen within seconds as well.


Via Twitter

22. Is this person a novelist? That vocabulary to explain a romance actually made me feel like I am reading a novel.

Via Twitter

23. Sometimes they are right in front of you and you just can’t see them. Right there.


Thank God this guy finally saw Annette after all those years.

Via Twitter

24. Oh my god that is actually so cool.

Via Twitter

Ladies and Gentlemen, I can officially tell you that all hopes to find love have risen again in me. These stories are a real motivator but the thing is, there are very few people like so in this world.

These stories really do sound so unrealistic because we’ve only heard such stories in either made-up stories or romantic novels. But they are not, they are real-life experiences and we thrive for that. I am in love with all these stories and I want for love to keep winning like that. I really hope you guys had a wholesome experience. Do share your thoughts in the comments section down below. What is your love story? Let us know.


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