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35 Of The Most Hilarious Memes For The People Who Have Worked Retail

No one understands retail better than the person working in retail.

Memes directed towards a specific field or job can only be understood by people working in that field. Memes are the best way to add fun to your toxic and hectic job that seems dull. If you are someone who has ever worked or are working in retail, then you are just at the right place. We have made a hilarious collection of the memes for all the people who work retail. These memes will reflect your experiences with customers and what it feels like to be working in retail. You will not only relate to these memes but we are sure you will end up laughing at these hilarious memes. So, scroll down and have fun!


1. When you are the one covering the other’s job.


Via: retailproblemss

2. Y’all wanna know how it feels to be working in retail during the pandemic?


Via: retailproblemss

3. The new policy we want in retail.


Via: retailproblemss

4. The level of stupid is matchless.


Via: retailproblemss

5. The trick is not to do your job well.


Via: retailproblemss

6. Who tf raised these mannerless people?


Via: retailproblemss

7. The door is right there ma’am.

Via: retailproblemss

8. Things that are not the shop assistants’ fault:


Via: retailproblemss

9. Please be nice to retail workers.

Via: retailproblemss

10. What feels illegal but is not?


Via: retailproblemss

11. Since you know so much, go clock in and deal with people like yourself.

Via: ninamorla

12. For God’s sake, get to the point.


Via: retailproblemss

13. When they say “sorry for the wait”.

Via: stephfrancex

14. What’s the point of policies then?


Via: retailproblemss

15. If it was not considered rude to say to the customers.

Via: retailproblemss

16. When you hate your work but love the people you work with.


Via: retailproblemss

17. Which stage are you at?

Via: retailproblemss

18. When you work in retail:


Via: retailproblemss

It’s not easy working in retail. It all seems fun and games until you are actually working as a shop assistant. Working in retail means getting your patience level checked. You get to deal with literally all types of people. The good, the bad, the rude, the arrogant and whatnot. You have to answer every silly question asked by the customers and you can’t yell at them but act all nice because that’s how retail works. Scroll down to enjoy more of these hilarious memes.

19. The regret is real.

Via: retailproblemss

20. Sorry, we don’t have it.


Via: retailproblemss

21. Customers are stupid.

Via: retailproblemss

22. When you are mentally a kid.


Via: retailproblemss

23. You have to be multitalented to do this.

Via: liv_groves

24. Only nice customers would get the shiny coins.


Via: retailproblemss

25. A reminder we all give to ourselves in the stock room:

Via: retailproblemss

26. And we should be paid extra for this job.


Via: retailproblemss

27. Now I know why people are so rude after getting home from work.

Via: retailproblemss

28. It should be us screaming.


Via: retailproblemss

29. Me, everyday in the morning.

Via: retailproblemss

30. Can you please not?


Via: retailproblemss

31. Yet we both work at the same job.

Via: retailproblemss

32. When you are done explaining it to the customers.


Via: retailproblemss

33. Having a bad day or working in retail, what’s the worst?

Via: retailproblemss

34. When you work, you can’t hang out.


Via: retailproblemss

35. Sorry to hurt your feelings, but it is what it is.

Via: retailproblemss

Working in retail is nothing less than a roller coaster ride. It’s the reality check and shows you the real side of the people but it also teaches you how to deal with people no matter how much you want to punch them right in the face. LOL. Comment down to let us know which of the memes did you like the most. If you work in retail, let us know about your experience.


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