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Entitled Mother Asks The GameStop Employee About The Availability Of A Game While She Was On Her Lunch Break

Entitled Mother Asks The GameStop Employee About The Availability Of A Game While She Was On Her Lunch Break, Employee Refuses To Help

In the bustling world of retail, where unexpected interactions become part of the job, sometimes the most amusing stories unfold when you least expect them.

Today, we bring you a hilarious account from an anonymous Gamestop employee, fondly referred to as OP, who found themselves caught in a memorable encounter during a lunch break at a nearby McDonald’s. It was holiday season, and OP, still working at the beloved Gamestop, decided to grab a quick bite at a conveniently located McDonald’s. Sporting a casual yet identifiable attire, OP joined the line and inadvertently became an unwitting participant in an entertaining dialogue between a young boy and his mother. Little did OP know that their lunch break would take an unexpected turn.


As the story goes, the curious young gamer sought OP’s expertise, assuming they could provide insight into the availability of a random, obscure PS3 game. While OP initially couldn’t help but roll their eyes, they kindly suggested the traditional methods of calling the store or paying a visit. However, the persistent mother, eager to save time, demanded that OP use their phone to check the game’s availability.

To read the full story and find out how this comical situation unfolded, scroll down.

OP, a former GameStop employee, shared a story about going to a nearby McDonald’s for their lunch break during the holiday season, where they described the relaxed dress code of wearing a nice shirt or one sold at the store, along with pants and a name tag.

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.


OP, while waiting in line at McDonald’s, overhears a conversation between a kid and his mom, where the mom insists on asking OP work-related questions despite being on their break.

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.



OP, despite being on their break, patiently responds to a kid’s inquiry about a specific PS3 game at their store, suggesting that the kid either calls or visits the store to inquire about its availability.

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.



OP faces a displeased mom who requests them to check the availability of a specific PS3 game on their phone, expressing annoyance at the idea of wasting time if the game isn’t in stock.

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.



OP apologizes to the lady and declines her request to check the game’s availability on their phone, advising her to call the store instead and emphasizing the need to eat within the remaining 10 minutes.

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.



OP swiftly leaves McDonald’s and returns to the store to enjoy their meal, but later the lady and her child show up at the store, attempting to complain to OP’s manager about their alleged refusal to assist at McDonald’s. However, the manager dismisses the complaint:

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.



OP provides additional context and clarifications, stating that they are unsure about the specific game requested, mentioning that the incident occurred a year ago, and confirming that the kid was approximately 10-13 years old.

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.



Unexpected encounters have a remarkable way of injecting excitement, humor, and sometimes even a touch of chaos into our everyday lives. These encounters, often comical yet occasionally frustrating, showcase the lengths some people will go to fulfill their demands or seek assistance, even from unsuspecting bystanders. From mistaking attire, body language, or simply projecting their expectations onto others, these encounters serve as a reminder of the unique challenges faced by both actual employees and unwitting “stand-in” staff.

The child had more common sense than the parent:

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.



When they can’t do anything, they resort to telling your manager:

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.



This is the reason why people want to complaint to the managers:

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.



Of course, she knows:

I work at GameStop, this is a McDonalds.


Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation where a routine break turned into an unforgettable tale? We’d love to hear your stories and thoughts in the comments below.

The cat tax:




“I’m trying so hard not to foster fail this little cutie.”


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