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The Dark And Disturbing Original Stories Behind Your Favorite Disney Movies

Your favorite Disney movies had dark and disturbing original stories that you never got the chance to know.

Disney films are probably the best part of our childhood. Whenever we watch these movies, they take us into a whole new world of imagination that is so much different from the real world. We have grown up listening to Disney stories and watching magical Disney films. The beautiful storyline and the happy endings have stuck with us. Not only do we admire Disney films and its characters but we also idealize the Disney characters. Little do we know that the happy endings in Disney films are so much different than the original stories. We are sure so many of you must be thinking “our whole childhood has been a lie”. Well, yes, that’s true. Disney films romanticized and glamourized the harsh realities into happy endings while blinding most of us from the original stories. Today, we have some of the Disney films with their original endings that you might find dark and disturbing but that’s what the truth is. Bitter and harsh. From this day onwards, you would never see your favorite Disney films the way you used to see them before. So, scroll down to unveil the original versions of your favorite movies.


1. Hercules killed his wife and children.


Source: Master_Thief

2.Gothel cuts Rapunzel’s hair.


Source: Master_Thief

3. Frollo got Esmeralda hung while Quasimodo killed Frollo.


Source: Master_Thief

4. Mulan returned and found out her father passed away. She killed herself.


Source: Master_Thief

5. Pocahontas was raped and impregnated by John. She dies at the age of 22.


Source: Master_Thief

6. The Beast ate Belle after their wedding.


Source: Master_Thief

7. The Queen was forced to dance on hot coals until she died.

Source: Master_Thief

8. Prince Eric married another woman while Ariel was forced to dance at their wedding.


Source: Master_Thief

9. The wicked stepsisters spent the rest of their lives as blind beggars.

Source: Master_Thief

Blood, torture, hanging; these are the harsh realities of your favorite Disney movies that you look up to. The feelings after knowing these brutal details are hard to explain. What about you? Did you already know the original stories or was it the first time knowing the original version of the Disney movies that used to spellbound us. Comment down to let us know your thoughts about the original version of these movies.


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