
30 Times Dogs Cleverly Broke House Rules Without Really Breaking Them

As much as how goofy they can be, dogs are really smart as well.

See normally in humans if you find a really smart man or a woman, it is hard to find any other good quality in them. Like I would need to look really hard to find me a person who is smart and also good-looking or has time to spend on themselves. Or if they are really handsome or gorgeous, they don’t have any brain cells in their brains. So yeah, a really tough combination to strike, you just need to stay on the lookout, and perhaps that’s the main reason why it takes a long time for humans to find the right life partners. But when we shift the conversation to animals, especially dogs, things are very different. Along with all that loyalty, bravery, adorableness, and joy that dogs bring to every house that they step food inside, they also bring in the smartness along as well.


I would love to claim that dogs are if not the most intelligent creatures there are to exist on this planet and they really don’t need a Ph.D. to brag about it all either. They just subtly showcase that brilliance every now and then just to make everyone go wow and admire that natural intelligence. This smartness is what makes it really easy for humans to gel with dogs pretty quickly and swiftly. No wonder why dogs are the most adopted animals in the world. But, it is not always that they use that smartness for you, it may use that smartness for itself too. Humans set up restrictions for their pet animals so they behave in a way that a certain decorum is maintained and nothing goes out of hand. As little kids, we absolutely hated any rules enforced on us. Dogs are exactly like kids in this case. They will use that high IQ level to find loopholes in all the rules set by humans to restrict them from going absolutely crazy, and trust me they find it. And then enjoy a really happy life breaking those rules without really breaking them.

Today we are going to enjoy some examples o this mischief.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. This doggo is not allowed to put his chin on the dining table so he improvises and takes support of his teeth instead.


Via Daily Doge

2. When Dad tells you to not put your paws on the sofa but you really need to sleep on it.


3. This dog accidentally threw her toy carrot in Dad’s office which she is not allowed to enter so has now turned into a Ninja and rescue the carrot in pure stealth mode.


Does she realize she is being recorded?

Via blh2

4. They said I can’t sit on the couch but never said anything about the pillow if it falls on the ground.


Via The_Sass

5. Meet Aegis and Wulfgar. They are not allowed to eat each other’s food so here’s how Aegis the speed eater sits like when he finishes his food first every time.


Via return_of_itsy

6. This one is not allowed to put his paws on the computer desk so he came up with a new strategy.


Via anonim1230

7. Well if you think about it mother, I am not exactly on the couch I am under it.

Via RainingDinosaurs

8. This person’s dog is not allowed in their room and it believes not making eye contact would mean they can’t see her and it is allowed to break the rule.


Via sampattterson

9. When begging for food is not allowed in the house.

Via Dwarfgoat

10. This 12.5 year old senior dog is not allowed in the kitchen during dinner time so he tries to get as close as possible without breaking any rules.


Via kittenkaboodle17

11. He was not allowed to sit on the couch so the kids helped him out a little.

Via iMau5

12. When you’re not allowed on the couch but are allowed to sleep on a specific blanket, you blend the two and make things work out.


Via Dreadqueen_EN

13. Here’s how she acts like when parents are enjoying delicious food and she knows she is not allowed to beg for food.

Via schweers

14. They were not allowed in the garage alone so when their Dad went their for some work, the whole gang followed like such an opportunity would never come again.


Via oversette

15. Here’s how to eat Popcorn from when you are not allowed on the table.


Okay, I do find it hard to understand why aren’t they allowed on the couch. I mean, they are dogs. You know they will work their way around any problem so why bother? They are way smarter than me

Scroll down below to continue!

16. Another classic case of not being allowed on house furniture.


Via Biffjedidiah

17. When you’re not allowed on the couch but desperately want to be on it.

Via Bombingofdresden

18. Look Mom, I don’t have my limbs in the kitchen so technically I am not breaking any rules. Just let me smell that goodness.


Via sydleismith

19. Parents keep their baby in a car seat near them whenever they shower because they want to be careful. Their dog is careful about the baby too but isn’t allowed in the bathroom.

Via banpeiSF

20. You said all four feet, two are still out so I am in the good.


Via Protosynesis

21. Is that even comfortable or worth it? Must be.

22. They are not allowed in the kitchen when Mom’s cooking so they enjoy the experience and also abide by the rule book like this.


Via Jamesev93

23. When you’re not allowed in the kitchen and you decide to let your parents know that you are not allowed.

Via kayleeluke

24. No honey, sitting like humans still means you are sitting.


Via Jessica2590

25. Well, I am not allowed on the couch. They never said anything about the back though.

Via calicojack1

26. Wait so which dog decided sitting like this on a couch does not break the “Don’t sit on the couch” rule?


Via corruptcake

27. This pupper is not allowed in the kitchen while parents cook. The kitchen starts from the white tile.

Via CannibalVegan

28. Well we are not completely in.


Via marcyjo26

29. Listen, you are not allowed to sit like humans.

Via cutestcactus

30. When food begging is not allowed but you really want it to happen somehow.


Via Jukin

I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


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