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Guy Hilariously Improved “Titanic” By Editing His Cat Into It And The Result Is Purrfect

However, As the movie industry is progressing and advancing, almost every director is interested to launch a remake of a movie and people are appreciating it too. But sometimes, if the movie is already too perfect, no one wants to have a remake, right? If we talk about Titanic, if you hear about its a remake is going to happen, you will feel more aghast rather than being excited because Titanic is one of those movies that already have everything perfectly shown in it, there are no loopholes or anything left to drag it towards a remake.


However, if we talk about funny parodies of classic movies, there is always room for that, right? A viral parody by Owl Kitty has been a source of entertainment for all of us so far. Owl Kitty’s Titanic shows Kate Winslet being replaced by a cat named Lizzy. Lizzy has also appeared in other funny parodies such as The Avengers and Pul Fiction and Jurrasic Park etc. Lizzy’s owner is Tibo Charroppin who is a filmmaker and an animator, all videos are done by him. He is assisted by Olivia Boone, a creative writer and content editor. The movie comes with a lot of hilarious escapades as shown in the trailer which you would love to see as follows.

That eye contact though



Image credits: OwlKitty

Presenting you OwlKitty’s Titanic, a movie full of fun and laughter as you see Lizzy everywhere in it


He looks so funny holding her, I am interested in watching the full scene


Image credits: OwlKitty

Laughed a lot at the cat’s reaction, in the end, she looks so original in the scene



Image credits: OwlKitty

The cat’s appearance in every scene makes it so much funnier than we imagined


Image credits: OwlKitty

This was the most epic romantic scene of Titanic and this has been reenacted hilariously


Image credits: OwlKitty

I must say, this is one of the best scenes Owl Kitty ever presented so far


Image credits: OwlKitty

Di Caprio: “Where to miss?”

Lizzy: “To the stars”


Image credits: OwlKitty

“Draw me like one of your French cats”, I can’t stop laughing


Image credits: OwlKitty

The climax looks even better with Lizzy’s appearance


Keeping the cat dry is all about Jack’s role in the movie, ofcourse

Image credits: OwlKitty

Kate’s role was minor in the movie, everything revolved around the relationship between Lizzy and Jack, as you can see


She definitely does not look happy about it


Image credits: OwlKitty


Here is the link of the trailer, you must want to watch

Image credits: OwlKitty

For behind the scenes of OwlKitty’s Titanic, must watch

Image credits: OwlKitty

People loved to see the cat on screen, here are some of their comments



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So, what do you think about this funny parody of Titanic? I think it’s fun to watch and can make you laugh too. Though it takes a huge deal of hard work to make this and we must appreciate the makers. Tell us in the comment section what do you think of this movie. Stay connected with defused for more fun content.


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