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16 People Who Didn’t Want A Cat But Those Whiskery Fluffies Had Other Plans

It has been said that in order to get a cat, all you need to do is to put an empty box on the floor, and boom! After some time, you will see a furry creature waiting for you to pet her. It’s true that cats are loving and affectionate in nature. All they want is a nice friendly place and they are yours. But what if you don’t have any plans of wanting a cat as a pet? But somehow a cat happens to be at your place. As she was destined to be. What will you do then? Well, in that case, most people would pet the cat for a couple of days and then let her go. But that’s not the case always. Sometimes, these furry little creatures make your heart melt with their adorability that it becomes so hard to not adopt them.


That’s exactly what happened in the following stories where people did not want a pet cat but the whiskey fluffies had other plans. These stories are gonna make your day as they are filled with wholesomeness. So, scroll down until the end to give an ear to some unexpected and amazing cat adoption stories.

1. “My husband left me so I did what any other woman would do — I went shopping. I accidentally turned up at a cat exhibition. Suddenly one of them started to howl and scratch the glass. 5 minutes later, we were on our way home.”


via: © Natalie Lee / quora

2. “Once, when I got back home from work, I threw a towel on the floor and saw someone’s paw appear from under the bed trying to steal the towel. I decided to keep the cat.”


via: © Slesarier / pikabu

3.”A local stray cat gave birth to her kittens. Once, she decided to move them but left one kitten behind. I found him almost breathless right on the road.”


via: © Dave Phil Mustaine / quora

4. “I was standing on my balcony and a cat jumped on it. I rubbed his head and then went around to my neighbors looking for his owner. No one recognized him.”


via: © Vaasilina / pikabu

And that’s just how she happened to be adopted by this user. Her eyes are too beautiful, by the way.

5. “When I was looking for a kitten to adopt, I had a choice between a British Shorthair, a Maine Coon, and a Sphynx cat. Later IT, with his ears covered in fuel oil came to my work and ate my lunch.”


via: © kuuzi / pikabu© kuuzi / pikabu

6. “One fine night, 2 women brought a kitten to the hotel I was working at begging to find him home. I called everyone I could and eventually, kept the cat with me.”


via: © Vance Harris / quora

7. “This is Darth Vader. He was brought to me with the following words, ‘If you don’t keep him with you, he will be eaten by dogs.’ So I kept him.”

via: © Redhead.Riddle / pikabu

Well, that’s a nice way to ask someone to take in a cat, no?

8. “I bought a kitten for $25. He was sick and barely ate or drank. His ex-owner fed him mostly beer and put him in the trunk of her car to impress her friends at parties.”


via: © Sierra Rodriguez / quora

9. After work, we found a kitten under our car. Our hearts were touched and now he is a new locksmith in our brigade.”

via: © Alexandro1977 / pikabu

10.“This cat had been adopted several times and returned, so it was decided to euthanize him. His story was featured on the radio in town and 3 friends of mine called me right after it! I couldn’t ignore this sign.”


via: © Geoffrey Brickley / quora

11. “We picked up a black, uncastrated cat. He kept eating a lot and meowing all the time: let me in, let me out. We decided he had parasites. I started to watch him and found 3 of the same cat behind the curtains!”

via: © depositphotos

It is not just the cuteness of these cats that make you adopt them, but the kindness that you have in you as a human. The feeling of giving shelter to an abandoned creature is beyond explanation. We have got some more heart-warming stories for you. So, keep scrolling and have a good time.

12. “We went kayaking and heard kitten squeaks at night. We really just wanted to feed them, but ended up taking both of them home.”


via: © annvesna / pikabu

13. “We picked up a cat on the street. Later we saw him on the staircase, thought he ran away, and brought him back home. Our first cat was at home waiting for us. We kept the second cat with us too.”

via: © bakersdozzen / pikabu

14. “In the morning, I woke up hearing a cat meowing. Btw, I didn’t have a cat. The sound seemed to be coming from the sofa, I cut open the sofa and took out the cat. I don’t know how he got there, but now he is mine!”


via: © Dios666 / pikabu

15. “I have passed by this cat 3 times today. I couldn’t do it a fourth time and took him home.”

via: © Shmyax007 / pikabu

16. “One and a half years ago, a kitten came to my apartment and I kept him. One year later, another kitten came to my apartment — I kept him too. Turned out, it was not a kitten but a pregnant cat who gave birth to 4 more.”


via: © zasranec69 / pikabu

Has any such story ever happened to you? A cat dropping at your porch and not wanting to leave? We hope you have some cute stories to share with us. don’t forget to share your feedback on this article. Stay tuned for more content filled with adorability and warmth.


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