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Karen Demands Nonexistent Limited Edition Muffins, Manager Demands Employees To Find Them

Imagine you are working as an employee at a café and you have an obnoxious boss and an entitled customer.

What your life would be like? It’s a trouble, we know. Well, that happens everywhere. Today, we have a story of a Reddit user who was once working at a café where one day an entitled Karen (customer) came and asked for special limited-edition muffins. OP told her that we don’t have any of those left because it was a limited edition but Karen again told her to give her five of those muffins. OP thought that she might have not heard her so this time she told her louder that they do not have those muffins anymore. Karen got mad at OP and again demanded to get those muffins and told OP to call her manager. The manager came and told OP to get her those muffins. OP told him that we don’t have any of those and the Manager told OP that we have left some, just go and find them. Not only this but he told her not to get back to work until she finds them and OP did exactly what he said. Scroll down to read what OP did next.


1. OP was working in a local café 3 years ago and one morning she had a Karen mom as the first customer with some kids.


Via u/Kcx-

2. Karen asked for a special edition muffins and OP told her that they were limited edition muffins.


Via u/Kcx-

3. OP thought she didn’t hear her and told her a bit louder that they don’t have them anymore but Karen kept asking for those muffins and wanted to talk to the manager.


Via u/Kcx-

4. The manager told OP that there are some muffins left, just find them. OP said okay, I’ll find the muffins.


Via u/Kcx-

5. OP went and started finding the special edition muffins. OP even called other employees to help her find the muffins.


Via u/Kcx-

6. Clients kept coming in and no one attended to them until one client asked them why are they running around and OP explained to them that their manager has told them to find something and they can’t go back to work until they find it.


Via u/Kcx-

7. The following conversation took place between Steve and OP:

Via u/Kcx-

8. Karen sent complaints to the Owner about the manager and the manager was fired the same day.


Via u/Kcx-

This bossy manager just wanted to give his employees an order. Even OP told him that they do not have those muffins, yet he told her to go and find them. I mean, how would she find those muffins? Is she supposed to make them? Scroll down to read what Redditors think about this story.

9. Boss wanted this person to find the missing chunks of rubber on the tires:

Via u/Kcx-

10. This person found the missing chunks and took them to the boss’ office and lined them on his desk.


Via u/Kcx-

11. Someone wants to pay for OP’s Friday beers:

Via u/Kcx-

12. Steve and Karen. Made for each other.


Via u/Kcx-

13. The power of Karens can be used for good:

Via u/Kcx-

14. We all want to taste those muffins Karen wanted.


Via u/Kcx-

15. After that day, the café refused to hire Steves:

Via u/Kcx-

16. Steve and Karen have the same, stupid attitude.


Via u/Kcx-

17. “Alright Steve”

Via u/Kcx-

Have you ever worked under a bossy and toxic manager? If you did, comment down to share your experience.


What do you think?