
Time To Overdose On 18 Cute Cat Pics To Boost Your Happy Hormones

Cute cats are here to freshen you up.

We all know how difficult it is to get ready for the week. On Sunday night, you get worried about having to wake up early in the morning on Monday and resume life once again. Even coffee has stopped helping freshen up. So getting that energy to start a week and then to get through it is like summoning Mount Everest. If only there was a magical creature out there who just by blessing us with its cute existence would freshen us up right to the core and have us energized and prepared for the remainder of the week. Oh wait, there is one; cat!


When it comes to freshening other people’s brains, no one does it better than cats. They are just so adorable and their cuteness is more than enough to motivate you. Overdosing on cute cat pictures is just the solution we all need. Cats are so innocent and their being full of love really does make you feel all that love is for you. Seriously, there is no other creature like a cat in this world.

Today we have created a compilation of cats to make you overdose on cuteness and all the required energy you were missing. Scroll down below to have a beautiful experience.

1. This person collected all the fur their cat shed and used it to craft a new one.


Via u/tomRocky123

2. Ralf the cat is every human being on a Sunday.


Via u/Lurtupp

3. You cannot cook anymore, this is my spot now.


Via u/Feralica

4. This is Otis. The massive floof weighs 20 whopping pounds.


Via u/stayintall

5. Check out this kitten’s cute sleeping position.


Via u/priffet

6. Cat randomly decided to bless a stranger chilling on a bench, with its cuteness.


Via u/alexdulavo

7. A happy female cheetah wants everyone to smile wide just like her.

Via u/Ok_Board_4331

8. Cute twin cats out in the wild for a photoshoot. And they also have multi-colored eyes.


Via u/flyingcatwithhorns

9. You know there will erupt fights between the two cats for that top bed

Via u/Disamble

Cats really don’t have to do much to shower all that wholesomeness upon us. I mean, seriously, a cat just staring at the screen with its eyes wide open makes you feel like it is enchanting you into loving him and the magic happens before you know it. I love cats and I just hope they all stay happy and healthy because theirs’ is directly linked to ours.

10. She is so fluffy you have to request someone to hold her up with you.


Via u/alaju

11. See that thing I was talking about they do with their eyes. You are bound to fall in love.

Via u/4FoxSayke

12. Pink-tongued kitty decided to photobomb a woman taking a selfie.


Via u/JinxXedOmens

13. The family was told not to get a cat because their daughter would be mean to it and the cat ultimately end up hating them all. That aged well.

Via u/shyy0730

14. Showing its owner it wants attention by trying to break itself right before their eyes.


Via u/Accell__

15. Arlo the cat as a baby really was a heartthrob.

Via u/bulgariandoll

16. Owner made a tank for their cat and it looks like the cat was always meant to be in one.


Via u/MxDuo

17. Who do think you are to get such a comfortable bean bag for yourself? It is mine now.

Via u/Heinrich428

18. Hi, everyone. Meet my best friend, Pickle.


Via u/Greed0w0

I really hope you guys are now fresh for the rest of the week, or even more. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more cat goodness!


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