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18 Acts Of Children That Took Their Parents To The Edge

Parenting can take a big toll on the parents.

The idea of getting married and having children is very sweet and reflect what we call an “ideal life”. You finally decide to settle down and decide to have children and enjoy the rest of your life filled with sweetness and joy. That’s the situation we create in our heads. The reality is very different,  by becoming a parent you take on a mountain of responsibilities on your shoulders and it really can take a toll on you.


Raising a child is not an easy process. They don’t attain gull senses until after so many years so everything they do is just added into the big bowl of innocence and that is how they get away with their quirkiness. One very infamous way for children to enjoy themselves is by testing their parents’ patience. From drawing lines on the walls to microwaving ramen without water,  they do so many things that make their parents reach their saturation points. But it is a child,  so you can’t really do much about that naughtiness.

Today we have compiled some hilarious images that will show you the suffering of parents,  thanks to their children

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. The children tore the bean bag chair apart and the million balls of styrofoam inside came out and resulted in this mess.


Via jmc0889 / Reddit

2. Their daughter wore this mask and scared her parent to the core.


Via cooksinapron / Reddit

3. The kid was told to put the soda in the fridge. He ended up putting it in the freezer.


Via IamNotaMonkeyRobot / Reddit

4. This person’s son requested for a chocolate and vanilla ice cream. I really think these parents are raising a monster.


Via untappedbluemana / Reddit

5. Every kid’s work in every household ever.


Via sneakysneaks_ / Reddit

6. Daughter insisted her mother to do roller skating for Mother’s Day. Looks like it didn’t go too well for mommy.


Via lateralus1075 / Reddit

7. Whose doing do you guys think this car soup is?

Via Courtney_JLA_ / Reddit

8. Mother only realized after running her daughter’s clothes in the dryer that there was a sparkling blue crayon in her pocket.


Via beautiful_life555 / Reddit

9. Little girl microwaved ramen without adding water to the bowl.

Via cupcakewife / Reddit

Awe!  Poor parents. I feel bad for them but I don’t want to get mad at the kids because you can see so much innocence behind these acts. Children are so cute that even their worst behavior gets clouded behind that innocent half-formed personality. Given that I am not one of these parents,  I find these images really hilarious but I can understand what their parents must be going through. That’s parenting!  You have to develop patience and work your way around it because the children cannot be stopped.

Let’s enjoy some more images of children taking their parents to the edge of their seats. Scroll down to continue!

10. Dad asked son to make him a sandwich and instructed to add little mustard. This is little for the boy.


Via Skyite / Reddit

11. Daughter put her doll in the car seat and terrified the life out of her father.

Via 20Factorial / Reddit

12. Son did this and had no idea how it happened.


Via MissFallout92 / Reddit

13. Upon being asked if he has fed the cat,  their son responded with a “Yes”.

Via noircheology / Reddit

14. Father decided to give his daughter driving lessons and this is how it is going so far.


Via Yeeslander / Reddit

15. Their kid literally threw their iPhone in the fire. Why?

Via BrittleBonesJones / Reddit

16. Mom asked her son if he needed a new tooth brush. He said he’s good.


Via greenlanternxxx / Reddit

17. You know a school-kid wore these shoes. This happened after 8 days of wear.

Vi ClemSpender / Reddit

18. Their Switch remote went missing and knowing their kid,  they started checking in the most random spots,  like inside the guitar.


Via Mother-of-4-dragons / Reddit

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Please don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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