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Guy’s Appointment For Fingerprinting Gets Cancelled For Being 5 Minutes Late, He Finds A Loophole

Guy's Appointment For Fingerprinting Gets Cancelled For Being 5 Minutes Late, Gets It Rescheduled The Same Day

Some organizations have the dumbest rules and they make the customers follow those rules and waste everyone’s time.

Some protocols and rules are useless, they just waste everyone’s time. People should try to solve the customers’ problems instead of making them difficult for customers. A university student who was working his summer job and needed to get the fingerprinting done for office requirements went to the police station to get it done. He arrived 5 minutes after his appointment time and as soon as he entered the office, he got a text that his appointment was canceled. He tried his best to talk to the employees and get another appointment but they refused and told him that his information is no longer present in the system. This was the time when OP knew how he can reschedule an appointment and get his work done the same day. Scroll down to read the complete story.


1. OP got a summer job at his university 4 years ago. He used to work with professors and had to teach a summer workshop.


Via theoryofrelativetea

2. Two weeks before the camp started, OP had some paperwork to do first. There was an official FBI check for which OP’s fingerprints were needed. OP booked his appointment 24 hours before so he can get the results on time.


Via theoryofrelativetea

3. OP reached the police station 5 minutes after his appointment time and his appointment was canceled. OP was frustrated and there was no way to book another appointment the same day.


Via theoryofrelativetea

4. OP sat there and waited. Another person came 5 minutes before their appointment time and it took her two minutes for the fingerprints. OP asked why he can not get the next appointment but they told him that his appointment was canceled.


Via theoryofrelativetea

5. OP made an appointment for Monday and told them that he is 72 hours early and got the fingerprinting done in the next 10 minutes.


Via theoryofrelativetea

OP was intelligent enough to use his brain and reschedule his appointment on Monday and got his work done the same day according to their criteria. What a moment of satisfaction! Scroll down to read similar stories from other Redditors.

6. The team must have been sick of the people coming late every day.


Via theoryofrelativetea

7. Stupid people make stupid rules.

Via theoryofrelativetea

8. People would prefer giving answers instead of solving the problem of the customers.


Via theoryofrelativetea

9. When you arrive a day early to pick up your order and they are pissed off:

Via theoryofrelativetea

10. Every organization should give a cutoff time and mention it everywhere so everyone’s time is saved.


Via theoryofrelativetea

11. Someone did the same thing at a car rental place and got the car after some minutes.

Via theoryofrelativetea

12. The guy who tried to cancel a trip:


Via theoryofrelativetea

13. The guy who got his ticket exchanged for another date and got a refund for the ticket.

Via theoryofrelativetea

14. The staff recommended the customer to do it that way so she can immediately take the fingerprints.


Via theoryofrelativetea

15. Someone also did the same thing with fingerprinting.

Via theoryofrelativetea

Have you ever been asked to follow a stupid protocol? Share your experience with us in the comment section down below!


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