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Woman Gets Angry When Her Sister’s Husband Keeps Calling Her A Dog Mom

Pets are part of a family.

Whether you have a dog, cat, rabbit, or something else, they are a part of your family. While everyone treats their pets differently, there are also a lot of people out there who consider their pets their babies. And I don’t mean this in a weird way at all. When I say people consider them their children, what I mean is that they will buy them clothes, and toys and generally just love them just as much as a parent would towards their child.


And I think this is perfectly normal. Not everyone wants a child and many have opted for pets rather than pro-creating which is fine. However, that is not how everyone is like and nobody gets to demand this sort of behavior from others. But some people take this too far and force this sort of pet-parent behavior on others and call them out when they disagree. That is what happened in this particular story.

You can read it all for yourself by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

All of this started on Christmas.


hen her Niece gave everyone a calendar and it was quite cute.


But her sister’s partner was less than happy.


He apparently thought that he should have gotten gifts for his dogs as well.


While I appreciate that he loves his dogs, this is just weird.


But this wasn’t over at all as he called her soon after.


He apparently wanted to do a calendar with their dogs in it.

She really isn’t into the idea but she wants to let him down gently.


While I personally do treat my cat somewhat like a child, it is not for everyone. And when I say I treat him like a child, I mean that he sits on my lap like a baby and cuddles with me. What I don’t mean is that I have a pram for him or force others to call him my child in any way. But not everyone does that and that is perfectly fine as long as they love and care for their pet. It honestly just seems like he is overcompensating for something and feels left out.

People in the comments had quite a few thoughts about the guy.

Do whatever you want to do but don’t force other people into it.


Not everyone thinks of their pet as a human baby and that is perfectly okay.

It doesn’t mean that they love their pet any less.


This comment sums it up perfectly.

They love to be considered pet parents.


But they would never force it on anyway as it should be.

What is your opinion when it comes to this story? Do you think he is just feeling a bit jealous and overcompensating? Or do you think she should just give in and join the calender with her dog? What would you do in this situation? Comment down below and let us know. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.


What do you think?