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Woman Asks If She’s Wrong For Not Waking Up Her Husband And Causing Him To Miss His Flight

You are not the babysitter to your partner.

I know it feels that way sometimes, especially if your partner is acting like a child who needs to wake up, fed and clothed. But that is not how any good relationship works. It should always be a partnership and people should know how to compromise with each other. However, it seems a lot of people don’t know this very simple thing and instead will find every excuse under the sun not to support their partner.


Don’t get time wrong, I understand that family is important but when you get married, your partner also becomes a part of the family. So even if your parents dislike them, it is your duty to support them in situations where your parents may be being rude towards them. You would think people would know to do this but it seems a lot of them just want to stay out of the whole drama. And will go as far as to blame their partner for anything they can find.

That is what is happening in this particular situation and you can read the full story for yourself by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

The title makes sit sound worse than it actually is.



And the story is much more nuanced than it seems.


It seems she and her in-laws never got on well together.


They wanted her to treat him like a prince.


And since that wasn’t going to happen, they stayed away from each other.


Everything was going okay until the day of his flight came.


He woke up way too late and started blaming her for all of that.


He accused her of being petty since he ended up missing the flight.

And now his parents are blaming her too.


They say that she ruined the holidays for everyone.


I am honestly not surprised at his reaction after reading how he has been treated all his life. And while it may be his parent’s fault, he is still a grown-up man and he should have learned enough to mature out of that mindset. And as an aside, who leaves their partner alone on Christmas? He should be supporting her not leaving her alone. And why was she supposed to wake him up? he is not a child, he can do it himself.

As you can probably expect, people had a lot to say about this situation.


Most people were on her side.

And they pointed out how she has bigger problems.


At the end of the day, he is not a Prince.

And she is definitely not his servant.


Or his personal alarm clock.

They need to figure out their relationship because this isn’t it.


This isn’t how you treat your partner.

That is the question on everyone’s mind.


The spouse is the family as well.

It is never right to behave like this.


I hope this works out and he changes.

What are your thoughts on this whole story? Do you think he needs to reconsider her marriage? Or do you think they can work it out with the help of marriage counselling? Have you ever gone through a similar situation? If so, how did you deal with it? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in with their opinion as well.


What do you think?