
Spoiled Teenager Throws Tantrum After Her Mom Adopted A New Dog

Being a teen is not an easy task. As individuals move from infancy to maturity, their hormones shift, causing a lot to happen within their bodies all at once. It doesn’t help that they have to manage their relationships, their studies, and occasionally even their jobs at the same time. The added struggle of attempting to establish oneself as a more independent or “adult” than their guardians may be willing to allow may depend on the age of the particular teen. Even academics have admitted that adolescents and toddlers have similar levels of development. According to Dr. Kathleen Van Antwerp, a recognized authority on juvenile justice reform, these life phases are comparable; “Developmentally, teens, and toddlers are about at the same level, with each age group struggling to grow into the next stage of life, but not yet equipped with all the tools.”


Van Antwerp continued, “Because toddlers lack a variety of communicative abilities, they turn to physical, shouting tantrums to express their unhappiness. The emotional control center of the brain is hijacked during the teenage years and controls the adolescent’s conduct in all spheres. According to research, the prefrontal cortex, the executive part of the brain responsible for rational, cognitive thought, doesn’t fully develop until the mid-20s or later. All of this is to indicate that, despite the fact that one may “understand” the reasons behind a teen’s tantrums or unhappiness, there are moments when it is simply too much. Consider a recent post in the Am I The A**hole topic on Reddit, when a 17-year-old sought approval but received none. She reveals that her mother recently started volunteering at a nearby animal shelter and chose to adopt a puppy after falling in love with it. OP totally lost her mind about the new addition and described it as her “worst nightmare” in all her teenage glory. Continue reading to read the entire, ludicrously entitled tale and other Redditor replies that hopefully slapped her back into reality.

OP notes that in addition to having a cat and an Old English Sheepdog, her family also enjoys taking trips overseas.


In general, they’re rather fortunate to be able to travel abroad.

They're pretty lucky to be able to travel abroad in general


Their dog, a “giant baby,” is looked after by relatives or friends.



Like this cutie


The OP continues by mentioning that her mother has begun working at a dog shelter.


Also, she and her stepfather “brushed off” her mother’s remarks about getting a new puppy.

And that she and her step-father have


Unexpectedly, OP’s mother saw another ancient English Sheepdog at the shelter and fell in love with him.

The OP described it as her “worst nightmare.”

OP called it her


The drama continues after that.

The Puppy party is coming soon

Puppy party imminent


OP makes an attempt to clarify her perspective, but she truly falls short.

Evidently, OP’s life has been “ruined.”

Apparently, OP's life is *ruined*


Asks AITA?

Now that you have read the story. it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say on this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.



What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting defused.


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