
Vegan Mom Is Mad At Her Ex-Husband For Feeding Daughter Chicken Nuggets, Family Drama Ensues

Parents are very possessive about their kids and sometimes they want their kids to do what they think is good for them.

Parents often decide things for their kids but when kids start growing up, they like to take their own decisions. Becoming a parent often comes with a lot of life-changing decisions and for some, the decision to switch to a vegan lifestyle may be one of them. This was the case for a woman who had never considered veganism before but her husband’s veganism rubbed off on her and she decided to try it out for herself. She got pregnant with their daughter and both decided that they would raise their daughter vegan. OP and her husband got separated and coparent their daughter.


One day, when she went to pick her daughter up from her husband’s place, he daughter told her that she was hungry. OP gave her an apple but she was crying to have chicken nuggets. OP was upset to know that her husband fed their daughter chicken nuggets without informing her. Scroll down for the complete story.

OP’s ex husband was vegan, she became vegan while she was pregnant with their daughter. They raised their daughter vegan. They got separated but they are co-parenting their daughter.


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Yesterday, OP’s husband wanted to keep his daughter late because they were going to take the kids to a matinee of Frozen:


Via: Reddit

As they were going home, OP’s daughter told her that she was hungry. OP offered her an apple but she wanted chicken nuggets.


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They got home and OP’s daughter was mad at her. OP had chicken nuggets in the freezer but she didn’t want to reward her daughter’s tantrum.


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OP’s daughter thinks that OP hates her because she ate meat.


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OP thinks that she should be aware that her daughter was eating meat. OP called her husband and he told him that he didn’t tell her because he knew I’d overreact.


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OP thinks that her husband should have fed their daughter vegan items but he didn’t.

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OP thinks that she should have been made aware about her daughter eating meat.


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OP thinks that her daughter can choose for her whatever she wants to eat when she will grow up but people do not seem to agree. People in the comment section said that OP’s daughter is 8 and is old enough to decide what she wants to eat. OP is treating her daughter as a property and not as an individual. she should b given the freedom to decide what she wants to eat. Scroll down for the comments.

OP’s daughter is old enough to make her decisions regarding what she wants to eat:

Via: Reddit

OP should consider that everyone is an individual and she should treat her daughter as a kid and not as property:


Via: Reddit

It’s not about the vegan thing, it’s about communication and OP’s husband should communicate properly with his coparent.

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OP’s husband was super health conscious and monitored everything she ate during pregnancy. OP is upset that he didn’t communicate this with OP.


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Do you think OP is raising her kid right? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Here is a cat tax:

Via: Reddit

“My cat keeps doing this weird thing with his mouth at all hours of the day? Should I be worried”


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