
23 Hilarious Parenting Tweets To Make Your Day And Give You A Much Needed Break

Parenting can be a challenging experience but it is also full of moments that can make us laugh, cry and everything in between.

Parenting is one of the most rewarding experiences in life but it can also be one of the most challenging. From dealing with tantrums to trying to get your child to eat their vegetables, being a parent can be a rollercoaster ride of emotions. However, sometimes it’s good to take a step back and find the humor in the chaos. One of the best ways to find humor in the chaos is through social media where parents from around the world share their funny, relatable and sometimes downright absurd parenting experiences in the form of tweets. Whether you are a new parent, a seasoned pro, or just looking for a laugh, these tweets are sure to brighten up your day and remind you that you are not alone in the crazy journey of parenting. So, scroll down and enjoy a good laugh at these tweets.


1. When your kid interrupts you 75 times:


Via: Lhlodder

2. The first rule of cooking:


Via: saltymamas

3. Does your kid have a favorite YouTuber that you hate?


Via: copymama

4. When you go to the doctor to find the problem and the problem is your kids:


Via: mommy_cusses

5. Kids don’t lie:


Via: XplodingUnicorn

6. When the kids do not want you to look at them:


Via: dadmann_walking

7. When your kid is an experimenter:

Via: RodLacroix

8. “Do not pee on your brother”


Via: sweetmomissa

9. Can anyone?

Via: RodLacroix

10. When you are raising savages:


Via: sarabellab123

11. Pity break with hummus:

Via: Wordesse

12. “Don’t you dare walk through my dirt pile”


Via: looksliketuttut

Parenting is an exhausting experience but it is also full of moments that can make us laugh and remind us why we do it all in the first place. These humorous parenting tweets are a testament to the power of humor in parenting and how social media can bring parents from around the world together in a shared experience.

13. 50% of the parenting is:

Via: sarcasticmommy4

14. When you feel blessed to have kids:


Via: BunAndLeggings

15. “No sex in the pool” until he realized:

Via: dad_on_my_feet

16. When you tell them a thousand times not to do that:


Via: fowlcomics

17. When you don’t want to have kids:

Via: dramadelinquent

18. When your daughter loves nail polish:


Via: copymama

19. Woah, that kind of attitude:

Via: KatieDeal99

20. Nothing happened, mom:


Via: mom_ontherocks

21. The terrible ways to be woken up:

Via: sarabellab123

22. They are swapping their kids with their friends’ kids:


Via: dadmann_walking

23. Kids have excuses when they do not want to eat:

Via: mommajessiec

Whether you are a new parent or a seasoned pro, these tweets are sure to brighten up your day and make you feel a little less alone in the crazy, wonderful world of parenting. We hope you enjoyed these tweets. Share your parenting experience in the comment section below.

Here is the cat tax:


Via: Reddit

“I’ve been having a hard time lately with my health, and this cutie has been by my side the whole time”


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