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Woman’s Choice To Save Her Beloved Cat’s Life Over Helping Out With Estranged Sister’s Mortgage Creates Huge Family Drama

Estranged Sister

Siblings do not always get along.

Sibling rivalry is a common phenomenon that many families face. The relationship between brothers and sisters can be complex, resulting in conflicts and disagreements. Despite their love and bond, siblings frequently experience tension and discord. Conflicts can be caused by competition, jealousy, or simply personality differences. It is critical that parents address these issues and assist siblings in developing healthy relationships.


However, many times it was the parents who started the entire mess. After all, playing favourites with your children is a surefire way to make the other children feel neglected, fostering a negative relationship between siblings as well. It is critical for parents to be aware of their own behaviour and treat all of their children fairly. Parents can help siblings learn to resolve conflicts and strengthen their bond by modelling positive behaviour and encouraging open communication. This is something the original poster’s (OP) parents never did, and it has now come to this.

Scroll down to read the full story for yourself.

Source: Part 1 | Part 2

Sibling relationships can be quite a lot more complicated than we may think.


OP was always treated differently than her sister, and thus OP moved out when she was 18 and went no-contact with her family.


OP understands that it is her mother’s fault for treating her and her sister differently, but she still doesn’t like her sister that much.


OP also has a cat named Tom, which she found when she was 13. OP had to go through a lot to keep the kitty as her mother got rid of Tom at one point.


Tom has been with OP for a while now and is 21, which comes with a few health issues, including geriatric problems.


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OP’s vet recommended surgery for quality of life, which would be expensive, but OP accepted it as she doesn’t want to let Tom go yet.


OP was worried for Tom since her sister dropped by to explain that she and her husband were having financial issues.

The sister wanted to stay with OP, but OP declined, listing the reason for Tom and giving some advice to her sister.


The sister did not take it well and called OP a crazy cat lady. Not only that, but she is now also spreading rumours throughout the family about OP.

OP’s husband says that OP could have helped her financially in some way, but OP isn’t sure.


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Thankfully, the store doesn’t end there, and we got another update on Tom’s health.

The kitty is doing remarkably well, and it seems the surgery has improved his quality of life quite a lot.


While Tom does have to accept the discomfort of the stitches on his gum, it is nothing compared to what he was dealing with before.

OP also realised that she was using Tom as an excuse to not be with her sister, and she has since gone fully out of contact with her sibling.


OP also mentioned that she might add another update when Tom leaves this earth, but I hope he lives a healthy life however long he has.

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Now I can’t say much about the cat’s surgery. If it were me, I would not have undergone the surgery because the cat is very old. I also say this as someone who owns a lovely cat that I couldn’t live without. However, it is the OP’s decision, and it is not as if the vet did not approve the operation. It is also clear that OP was simply using their cat as an excuse to keep her sister from staying with them.

I’m glad the OP realised this and has gone no-contact because it doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship to me. I also hope the cat is in good health for the remainder of its life.

OP’s sister can deal with her own problems.


The relatives can help her themselves.

OP doesn’t owe them anything, especially considering how they treated her.


I am just glad that Tom is doing well!

I am not looking forward to that update.


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What are your thoughts on the dynamic between the two siblings? Do you believe the OP handled the situation in the best way possible? Would you have done something differently? Please let us know in the comments section below. Also, remember to share this story with your friends so that they can join in with their opinions as well.


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