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20 Brilliant Comics On Post-Marriage Life That All Couples Can Relate To

Marriage Comics

What happens when a goth and a gamer fall in love and get married? You get a hilarious and heartwarming series of comics and illustrations that capture the joys and challenges of their relationship. That’s what the Instagram account @iloveyou.x.infinity is all about.


The artist owning multiple accounts on social media posts comics and illustrations about the life of a married couple. The account is run by Otagothic, who is the artist and the wife in the comics. She started making these drawings as a way to express her affection towards her husband and then shared them on social media. The comics are cute, funny, and relatable, and they show the everyday moments that the couple share with each other and their pets.

Let’s take a look at the artist’s amazing work. Scroll down below to enjoy!

Source: | Instagram | Facebook | Patreon.Com

1. Before the wedding, surely he would have accepted the offer.


2. I love you but game is life.


Off-topic but I like the tattoo on her knee.

3. There are only two types of people in this world.


4. All that nervousness goes down the drain when you see your significant other waiting for you across the aisle on your wedding day.


5. Did not expect that.


6. Reality vs what is presented.


7. You can only say that to a woman and no be beheaded after entering a marriage contract with her. There is no other way.

8. No wonder why those pimples appear so often, honey.


9. The best outcome.

10. This scenario will never have a middle point, there will always be two extremes.


This is admirable work. The illustrations are so attractive. You just want to keep on reading. The artist has done an amazing wok. And it’s not that the comics look nice and that is why they are good, they carry good concepts as well. They are a good representation of the post-marriage life. When you can hit the concept accurately and make it look good so that the reader keeps reading and reading, you have won as a comic artist.

Let’s enjoy some more of these amazing post-marriage comics that are definitely relatable for the married couples going through them right now. Scroll down below to continue!

11. I have questions.

12. Great decision, Caroline.


13. Sorry, honey. You should have thought about that before marrying me.

14. So this is how you guys take revenge after I annoyed you the whole day.


15. She only checked it to make sure they weren’t rotten or anything.

16. When the wife wants it, you cannot stop until she wants you to stop.


17. Poor guy is sweating his life out outside mowing the lawn and she cannot stop fanticizing about how hot he looks doing it.

18. She got lucky.


19. Let me just ruin all his peace.

20. Women and men’s muscles…I will never understand this combination.


I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via Tiffany Williamson

Cat tax.

“This is the kindest expression I’ve ever seen in my life. No one has ever looked at me with this much empathy and understanding.”


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