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20 Animals That Thought They Were Agent 007

Animals are best when it comes to hiding and they have all the requirements to do so. Their colors, their instincts, and their grace and skill help them to simply vanish. They do it so perfectly that it’s really hard to spot them. They just blend in with the surrounding, and it’s not only for our wild animals but also for our beloved pets. A lot of pet owners claimed that their pets love to play hide and seek. We at Defused know how hard it is to catch a small adorable 007 agent red-handed because they know how to hide well. What are you waiting for? Keep on scrolling down below and watch these 007 agents for yourself. We are sure that pet owners can relate to the images below.

1. Zorro is it you under that mask?


via: © Didnotfindausername / Reddit

2. I guess this cat’s face says it all


via: © ColinCowherd / twitter

3. A great spy has to have a great sense of smell right?


via: © aeonyx20 / Reddit

4. Just a failed attempt to snatch a pizza, nice try by the way


via: © kevinowdziej / Reddit

5. Where are you, my friend? I have been finding you all my day



6. Alpha Charlie Bravo reporting


via: © honzasmucr / Instagram

7. Doggos logic 101, hiding behind the curtains and they are barely covered and they think we can’t see them


8. Feeling like an apex predator


via: © PlusFeeds / Imgur

9. This kitty cat is about to do something lethal


10. POV, When you are tired of everything and you wanna hide yourself


via: © BewareOfTheQueen / Reddit

11. Cats do this when they need to feel safe


12. I could barely see that


via: © gomamon / twitter

13. Best camouflage of the year award goes to this doggo


14. When your color is the same as the wallpaper, it is better to pretend you’re a decorative element.


via: © LockdownDog / twitter

15. Is it a rug or a dog? It’s really hard to differentiate


16. When you have long legs, and you have to pretend that you are sleeping


via: © rriproarin / twitter

17. This doggo just blends in the surrounding


18. When you are made to be disguised


via: © USFWS / twitter

19. Literally his face also look like a toy, it is such an adorable doggo


20. Can you spot this doggo if his eyes are closed? I am sure you cannot


via: © GeneReddit123 / Reddit

These pets have mastered the art of disguising. They just blend in, and it is quite surprising that you have to look for a moment to spot these adorable pets. Pets love to play around especially hide and seek it’s their favorite game right? Have you ever seen your pets pretend to be spies? If yes do share their photos with us.
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