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21 Pictures That Will Take You More Than One Look To Understand What Is Going On

What is accidental camouflage?

Well to understand that we first have to look at what camouflage really is. And to take a look at that, we have to look no further than the military. The most common way of camouflage is wearing clothes that match your environment so that you don’t stand out. And then you can add on to that by adding leaves and dirt or netting to really blend into the environment. Then there is also the natural camouflage that some species have.

Some animals have this ability probably because they are not hunters and hiding in their environment is the only way they can keep themselves safe. It is sort of a defense mechanism. Well, the camouflage we are going to be talking about today is quite different. Not only is it accidental but some of these are also so perfect that it makes it hard to believe that these instances weren’t intentional. You can take a look at what I am talking about by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

#1 Are we sure that this isn’t a bear?


#2 You can spot the fourth person if you just look closely enough.


#3 The longer I look at it, the more nauseous I get.


#4 I have no idea what sort of cracker this is but it perfectly matches the shelf.


#5 Honestly, this one took me a long while and it might be because of the grainy picture.


#6 I know what is happening but I am somehow still confused by this picture.


#7 All I can say is that is a lot of pink.

#8 There is indeed a floofy dog hidden here somewhere.


#9 Is that a cat or a dog? I have no idea.

#10 Okay, I really want the sweater now.


#11 This doggo looks so happy to have a matching sheet.

I am honestly not surprised to know that there is a separate subreddit by the name of accidental camouflage that deals with pictures like these. In fact, that is where all of these pictures came from. Some of the images there look wholly intentional even if they aren’t while others are just funny coincidences. I certainly know where I am going to be wasting my time once I am done with my work.

#12 I like flowers but those are a lot of flowers.


#13 At first all I could see was the lens flare but the cat needs a person.

#14 The fan is actually not broken and the fifth wing is just perfectly hidden in the shadow.


#15 You have to find the I-pad in this shop.

For those of you who couldn’t find it, it’s on the corner of the glass table that is diagonal.

#16 There are some tools in this field but they are really hard to spot.


#17 When your shoes look just like your socks.

#18 As I said before, those are a lot of flowers.


#19 If you look closely for a moment, you will find the ginger cat taking a nap.

#20 This is quite a similar pattern but the color is off.


#21 The squeegee is not hard to find when you look at the picture but when you are actually using these tools, sometimes you will forget where you put it.

What did you think of these accidental camouflages? Did any of these fool you or could you spot everything at first sight? Comment down below and let us know.


What do you think?