Animal owners thinks that their pets don’t understand them. When you look into your cat eyes when it is going to drop one of your favorite tea cup or a plate and your cat take a look back in your eyes as you are just completely out of your mind and does it anyway because they don’t understand what you are trying to say. Some animals are way smarter but we don’t acknowledge it. So here we have some stories that will show you that your pet completely understand what they are doing but they do it anyway, because they are stupid but what can one do, things we do for love is out of question
1. Smart Parrot
At least this owner gets the warning of his parrot doing crazy stuff
Via wow-david
2. Clever Pigeon
3. We all have that one ignorant cat
Via elena1701a
4. That’s how you deal with lectures
5. This dog is helpless over her habit
Via Othe-duchess0
6. I feel bad for this parrot
Via thewitchway
7. This little bird is savage
Via asterroc
8. She’s an attention seeker
Via asterroc
9. All cats are thrill lover
10. Stubborn bird doesn’t listen to the owner
Via violetsbisme
11. This cat knows how to tell on himself
Via blueandbluer
12. Kuka never understands
Via grinningbobcat
13. She knows it’s bad but still does it
Via positivityoutlet
All animals have the tendency to recognize your sound and somehow interpret it but the problem lies with them not responding to it. After all they are animals, if you own a pet a bird or a cat does it exhibit the same kind of behavior? Let us know your favorite story and comment your thoughts in the comment section below.